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11 Mar 2023 08:23:03
Anyone else think football action will reclaim MOTD tonight?

Agree0 Disagree0

11 Mar 2023 09:37:20
Doesn’t matter what happens, we will still be on last- with the credits

11 Mar 2023 09:57:07
Not sure what you mean Abbey.
I know linekar not on MOTD tonight Ian Wright Alan Shearer boycotting it in support of linekar.

What I do know is that my thinking is that I pay my tv license and linekar is at fault in breach of his works contract.
He knows full well the implications of his tweet and should step down and quit with immediate affect.
His huge salary paid for by Joe Public should be spent on other areas of the bbc broadcasts.
The subject matter of his tweet is irrelevant he broke his contract agreement and should be sacked.
I want to see linekar on motd not tweeting huge sensitive issues creating political turmoil and headline news
He should keep his nose out appreciate his vast wealth and do what he is paid to do.

11 Mar 2023 10:03:45
Motd2 tomorrow sure we will get more air time as only a few matches tomorrow.

11 Mar 2023 10:15:26
Hope so Abbey, back in the day on MOTD there was no such thing as pundits or presenters on obscene salaries, all an unnecessary loading on the taxpayer who, not only have to listen to it but have to pay for it as well.

Give Mikey and Tommo the job so we can have a bit of West Midlands bias for a change.

11 Mar 2023 10:17:08
Phil, take a good look at what Kav says on Sky Sport. You are quite off the mark mate

11 Mar 2023 10:36:03
I don't have sky Steve,
My view is black and white so comes across as it does.

11 Mar 2023 10:41:12
Phil, you’ve just come onto a World Wide forum saying he should be sacked, your opinion. That’s no difference to Lineker voicing HIS opinion. It’s called living in a country with freedom of speech. If we lose that, we may as we let Putin move in.
Check out Kav in the inter net? It you tube. I’m presuming you’ve got that!

11 Mar 2023 11:32:36
If Lineaker hadn't touched a raw nerve, nothing would have been said, but he has called this corrupt government out and is standing by his comments. More people should be calling the Tories to account and I'm sure they will at the next election. Can't come too soon.

11 Mar 2023 11:35:08
Steve what are you going on about?

Linekar should not of tweeted his opinion as its agaisnt his employer wishes.
I think.i got it wrong with it written in his works contract but he knows he shouldn't of.

I can post my view with out any restraints.

What is wrong with you.
Putin may aswell move in.
You taking it wrong way and it looks like I've made my bed so I have to lie in with all my stupid non related football posts.
I can say it for you Steve and everyone else I'm a stupid idiot and waste of feed space.

11 Mar 2023 12:59:04
Phil79, totally, totally agree with your views.
By the way, in recent poll of 45,000 people, 85% say he should be
What the 15% are failing to appreciate is, it not about Freedom of Speech, it is about honouring your Contract.
If he feels he has to transgress on his Contract, a decent human being would resign and then be free to express his views.
Sadly his behaviour says more about him than his employer.

11 Mar 2023 13:11:19
Phil79, please don't get upset about people's lack of understanding.
It is very straightforward, if he wants to express his views, this country allows him to do that.
HOWEVER, if he takes employment (and the overinflated fee), he needs to honour his Contract.
As I have said earlier, it has helped the rest of us understand what an absolutely unethical person he is.
I am not a fan of the BBC, but on this occasion they have the morale high ground.

11 Mar 2023 13:25:18
Phil maybe you should stick to telling the whole world that you walk to work daily, watch highlights with your brother, and your life is crap. COYW LOLOLOLOL

11 Mar 2023 13:45:49
I don't know the ins and outs of this incident but what I do find perplexing is that Linekar has spoken out about an issue which he feels strongly about and the BBC feel he shouldn't have done so whilst associated with themselves. That is fair enough. But the fact that the BBC criticised Suella Braverman when she said something similar a few months ago but later retracted when it came to light that the current BBC chairman donated a lot of money to the Conservative party seems strange.

11 Mar 2023 14:00:52
SteveSL, your comments about a fellow Poster are totally inappropriate.
An apology would be the decent thing, but then.

11 Mar 2023 14:02:12
Gary Lineker is a freelance presenter and is available to do other work as he chooses (in effect self-employed). He has a code of conduct to adhere to and if he was to show bias to say, a particular football club, then that would be relevant (you could say there’s a bias to Leicester City but it’s in good humour).
However any political views or compassionate views about less fortunate souls wouldn’t usually be deemed to contravene or even be relevant to the code.
Interestingly I’ve seen copies of complaints against Andrew Neill today (who is directly involved with news and politics) where he’s made tweets in support of right-wing views, and the written response from the BBC is that he is entitled to have his own personal opinion on social media. The same could be said about tweets made by Alan Sugar and Jeremy Clarkson. On Thursday evening Fiona Bruce interjected a speaker on Question Time to note that Stanley Johnson had only broken his wife’s nose once in a biased attempt to play down the domestic abuse.
What is clear is that if Lineker had tweeted support for Suella Braverman in the week, it is highly unlikely that he would be absent from MOTD tonight.

11 Mar 2023 14:16:03
Thanks Rugeley.
Thanks Steve lol COYW

11 Mar 2023 14:30:49
Back to the things that matter.
Sadly AFCB have just won.
Liverpool were second-best and it was the right result (not for us).
Let's hope other games today go our way.

11 Mar 2023 14:35:43
Sorry I seemed to have opened a vipers nest there. I merely meant to ask would the football be more important than the punditry again. I admit I don't particularly like Lineker as a presenter, great footballer yes. The issue of the tweet? The way I see it he's paid by a so called unbiased public funded organisation and as such should not give personal views that can be construed as influential biased or offensive, as such I believe he is in breech. I also feel that the money he is paid is obscene when OAPs are expected to fork out of a pension to contribute whether they want to or not.

Anyway, I hope we get more action (did we see rauls disallowed goal the other week for example) and less talk. My apologies for igniting such strong reactions to what was obviously a contentious tweet from Lineker that raised my question.

11 Mar 2023 14:37:25
Phil, Rugeley…. This is -supposedly- a football forum. NOT a place to come looking for attention and sympathy

11 Mar 2023 15:05:10
Thanks Rugeley,
Steve there will only be football posts from me from now on.

11 Mar 2023 15:08:21
SteveSL your sarcastic comments on a fellow poster is not funny, clever or of any positive contribution. Phil's or any other posters personal circumstances are relevant to their personality, well being and their personal outlook from which we gather an understanding and can empathise. If you are unable to realise this with an apology then it talks more about you. Phil, people care to hear about you and your bruv, we care about people's situations and well being. The tales some have about walks and past memories, that's why we're a pack don't let a lone wolf, if that's what they are, upset you, or indeed myself and a good many others. COYW

11 Mar 2023 15:12:16
Absolutely SteveSL.
It should be used to accept different opinions and support each other as Wolves fans.

11 Mar 2023 15:44:41
Abbey, my comments weren’t sarcastic, they were fact. And you question my support? * if that’s what they are….
Just for the record, season ticket holder, south bank, for over 25 years

11 Mar 2023 15:47:18
Rugeley, we all have problems. I have, and have had, more than I care to say. But it’s how we deal with them. Coming on line and telling total strangers is NOT the solution, trust me.

{Ed014's Note - fella we’re all different and what helps one just may not help another but it’s important to be nice, if you can do that then happy days.

11 Mar 2023 15:50:38
Abbey you my long time friend on here.
There numerous the same who are retired and enjoy the banter during the week when a lot hardly post.
During lockdown there were only a handful posting who made all our crap circumstances better at that time.
Steve has a valid point as its a football forum and my personality is too much away from football.matters for his liking.
Abbey would like all to get on as you and I have always got on.
I will do everything in my power to make it so.
Steve Abbey Rugeley there no problem we are all wolves and that's what its always about.
All keep posting and enjoy the wolves as much as is possible all I would like to see/read.

11 Mar 2023 16:15:01
Tbh Steve you're bang out of order with your comments towards Phil and that is fact, if you can't be nice then don't say anything at all.

11 Mar 2023 16:23:00
Steve, Phil's entitled to his opinion as he's not covered by a code of political neutrality, unlike Lineker as a BBC presenter.

If he wants to show his support for uncontrolled immigration he should resign and then campaign for it. Not use his profile built on a platform funded by the taxpayer when the terms of his employment specifically prohibit it.

11 Mar 2023 16:40:39
Of course phil, Steve not doubting your support, it is for football it is for wolves, just thought your words were personal and not in context with the way the discussion had gone, a way I reiterate was not my original point, which was would football action take precedence tonight over punditry. It seems the BBC sports side with GL and things will be limited anyway. I hope that wolves fans on here respect one another, the views and feelings and individual viewpoints and therefore the pack mentality. I may disagree with you politically, but I respect your allegiance with wolves and as a person, what I found upsetting was an attempted insult to one of our own and someone I regard as a friend, was that about football? because that's what I meant by lone wolf, you were using our site, the wolves forum, to have a go at one of our own. I hope we can all forget the spat and focus on Newcastle tomorrow, results are toing and froing our way since Bournemouth win and we will need to take something to keep the points difference.

11 Mar 2023 16:40:46
And I’m entitled to mine, which is what started all this off. Without being singled out or ganged up on

{Ed014's Note - you actually started the sarcastic shite in one of your replies to Phil.

Don’t get overly dramatic mate.

11 Mar 2023 17:50:04
Whether you agree with GL's tweet or not, the more worrying aspect of this fiasco is that the BBC only took action after a number of Tory MPs complained to them.

There's a name for governments that don't allow criticism and ban protests: fascist.

I find it even more ironic that Lineker is held to a higher standard than Sir Richard Sharp (as one example)

It's even more ironic that Lineker is supposed to stay impartial, when the BBC's news reporting is not impartial. Don't believe me? just watch an episode of Question Time.

11 Mar 2023 17:50:59
I think you’ll find I made a valid point and got a very blunt reply back. If I’ve spoken out of order, why have you printed my comments.

{Ed014's Note - I didn’t print your initial comments, but you’re the only one I can see being rude by taking the piss out of what Phil has previously posted.

11 Mar 2023 17:54:07
I’ve got nothing but respect for all you Ed’s. You do a great job keeping these sites running

{Ed014's Note - and all we want is for posters to be nice to each other and enjoy the site mate.

11 Mar 2023 20:30:09
Let's put a line under this now, tomorrow is a new day and is match day.
Also Liverpool you had one job today lol.



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