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Old Wulf's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Old Wulf's rumours posts


31 Jan 2024 14:48:03
Yuri Alberto, Corinthians (ex Zenit St Petersburg) is Wanderers number 9?

Old Wulf

1.) 31 Jan 2024 15:13:58
Deal almost done.

2.) 31 Jan 2024 15:19:32
Old Wulf how do you know that never even heard of the guy.

3.) 31 Jan 2024 15:35:31
Just watched a few clips of him old wulf, looks useful left and right footed can head a ball and follows in. Is it actually confirmed yet?

4.) 31 Jan 2024 15:39:11
Looks a possibility Old Wolf he's played with both Gomes and Cunha for Brazil so I'm sure Gary and Matt will have spoken about him to them. tbh probably as good if not better than spending 35 mill on Broja cwho may not come good. Certainly knows how to find the net from his YouTube clips. Good positioning sense by the looks of him. Worth a punt.

5.) 31 Jan 2024 16:13:48
Looks useful.

6.) 31 Jan 2024 16:51:22
You'll note that there's a question mark at the end of my comment Dek, thus indicating it's not a certainty. However, it does seem to be a rumour that has substance and legs unlike many that have appeared on here in the past.Time will tell and we don't have long to wait.

7.) 31 Jan 2024 18:04:38
Don't think this is happening.been rejected



08 Aug 2023 21:22:40
Parting of ways just announced.

Old Wulf

1.) 08 Aug 2023 21:43:42
O'Neil is not the answer. They are not his players. The squad will now be stripped of the main assets. I expect Sa, RAN, Semedo, Podence, Neto, Cunha, Gomes, Kilman and Nunes to go and replaced with cheaper, Championship ready replacements. I think we're as good as down.

2.) 08 Aug 2023 21:46:14
Yep he's gone like he always do.but he done a great job I welcome O'Neill.

3.) 08 Aug 2023 21:50:04
Bring back Moxey and Big Mick more ambition than Shi

4.) 08 Aug 2023 21:50:31
Yeah it's official don't really know how I feel, seemed a decent bloke, but going forward want someone to bring our young uns through, first sign of aggro and he's off so best to part ways now than let things drag on, julen ain't no wolf

5.) 08 aug 2023 21:54:07
a good workman never blames his tools. (of which some we have sold on) however, it seems football is different. i do not think we have a bad squad, lacking depth maybe but certainly something that could be worked with. i am sure jl has his reasons, but i think wolves being on solid foundations of the most important thing currently

6.) 08 Aug 2023 22:00:08
Financial Foundations *

7.) 08 Aug 2023 22:15:23
Old wulf blimey your hackles are up! If we sell the players you mention I would not be too fussed bar neto the rest I'm not blown away, ran, semedo, sa, cuna overpriced, give our academy boys a run out and the new gaffer a chance

8.) 08 Aug 2023 22:21:13
Just seen sky sports news apparently we have interviewed a number of candidates 2 weeks prior to this announcement, its been a charade hence lope giving no post match interviews, feel a little mugged off,

9.) 08 Aug 2023 22:22:32
FOSUN OUT.FOSUN OUT.the fools are clueless.look fwd to be playing the likes of plymouth nxt ssn.

10.) 08 Aug 2023 22:25:39
Come on Jas, irrespective of our feelings, now is the time for us all to stand together with the new coach and fight for the cause.Its not completely relevant whether they are the new coach's players or not.Last season's January spending showed that Fosun simply cannot afford just to stand back and allow us to be relegated.It will be interesting to see what happens this coming January (seems we can forget about the summer window).

11.) 08 Aug 2023 22:48:07
Well said old Wolf, understandable folks are angry, but end of day we need to get behind whoever comes in, I'm sure the players knew that it was possible he would go, judging by Docs interview after the celtic game.
Fosun may just surprise us once again.
It's gona be arough ride for a few weeks, there's along season ahead, but the players qehave if it stays that way are more than capable, the next appointment is crucial, let's hope they have done the groundwork

12.) 08 Aug 2023 22:57:18
Totally agree give young players a chance.i see Frazier is going out on loan.i think O'Neill should hault that give him a go

13.) 08 Aug 2023 23:03:02
Think you've got me confused with Jas, nell.

14.) 08 Aug 2023 23:07:20
I think Jorge Mendes relationship with the club has soured and he will look to cut ties with us as soon as possible. Unfortunately this means moving his clients on.

15.) 09 Aug 2023 06:39:08
Jas M, the most important person to be moved on is Shi!
Just do not understand the thinking of Fosun.

16.) 09 Aug 2023 07:52:14
O'Neil is not good enough why didn't Bournemouth keep him? We gone for cheap option, J.Lo came here to fulfill the promises Fosun assured him. Fosun should sell up whilst in the Premiership, there time is Over!

17.) 09 Aug 2023 22:22:26
Jas m why isn't O'Neill the one for the job .to me I think he will be a great manager and wants to work hard at least he wants to knuckle down do job not like JL u cried and ran when the going gets tough.nuno was god JL wasn't

18.) 10 Aug 2023 00:03:19
Kally 1 explain why is O'Neill no good 2 why should fosun sell up 3 JL knew when he signed that there were ffp problems.hes to big for his boots.i think he was causing trouble on the inside .so when it got tough he cried and left us for dead but fosun has got O'Neill past is past look forward to future

19.) 15 Aug 2023 22:47:59
Kally 1 what did you think of game last night.wolves brilliant out played utd we were robbed.Oneil barmy army



12 Oct 2022 19:59:26
Leonardo Jardim is the new name on the block, seemingly out of nowhere. Now managing nowhere in a football sense (Dubai) but ex Monaco manager.

Old Wulf

1.) 12 Oct 2022 22:03:17
Nuno also being considered

2.) 13 Oct 2022 06:58:09
This process is a typical piece of Shi and Sellars gross mis-management of the Club.
I am very pessimistic about he Club's future.

3.) 13 Oct 2022 11:11:33
You're not the only one Rugeley. Why would you build the club up to its highest point in 50 years only to then progressively dismantle its management team and then the squad that achieved that?

With the lack of any explanation of the various goings on fans disillusionment grows, they talked about 'The Pack' but in truth it's not. All that has gone, the current management lack the common touch that Dalrymple and Nuno insisted on and practiced. Maybe that's why they've gone, Jeff Shi has said he felt some of the fans never appreciated the efforts the club had made, welcome to football Jeff, 30,000 plus opinions to wrestle with.

It's clear to me that Shi has taken a wrong turn over the last 2-3 years. Some of us impressed by a Chairman that actually went to watch training and talk to the players every day now realise his real motives for doing that. The current management team whatever their individual merits, or not, appear to have been selected for one overriding reason.

Sadly, it's times like this that focus the attention on such matters as most of us wouldn't care a jot if we were up the other end of the table doing well. However, the way things are now that's just a pipe dream as the mistakes, missed opportunities and what could have been, are all racking up. Many think we'll bring a new Manager/Coach in and all will be well, a bit naive I think. Yes, this squad should be and will eventually do better providing the club can find a decent replacement for Lage. People, however, are not stupid so it's no wonder many will not want the job. The very fact that Rob Edwards has had a formal interview is just another indicator. If they felt he was capable of stepping up to a first team assistant coaching role as part of his development, why would he need an interview?

Incidents of 'good luck' and 'bad luck' happen infrequently to all of us but it would appear that this club is just plain cursed, but I think we all know that's just excuses.

4.) 13 Oct 2022 12:44:32
Hi LongmyndWolf, just been listening to the E&S latest podcast.
Those journalists a little closer than us fans to the Club, sound just as bewildered as us.
3 big games in what, 8 days? Should be looking at 7 points for me, BUT, the way morale is, 1 will be good!
I can't see a 3/4th choice manager getting anything out of this squad.
Sounds ridiculous, after just 9 games, but I think they should be planning for next season in the Championship. Find a young energetic manager full of ideas and enthusiasm and use the summer to change the squad.
One good thing is, we could get around £100m for sales, plus the circa £40m parachute payment, money will not be a problem.
I am afraid we have to start again.
with a new CEO and HoFootball!

5.) 13 Oct 2022 13:33:39
I don't get why lopetegui even had the interview if he had no intention of taking the job.either doesn't want a relegation on h8s cv.or told ther was no money?.shame tho.but I too think unless we get the right guy wer doomed to the championship.which was always on the cards anyway rrlying on players like jiminez jonny motinhio year after year qnd blowing 70mil on guedes and nunes when we needed a quality fwd more.and i'd be inclined to take the first decent offer we get for neto.the lad is injury prone

6.) 13 Oct 2022 13:41:13
But this is the big mystery Rugeley, why has it come to this? This current management under Jeff Shi's direction have progressively brought this club down with their decision making.

There's no such thing as a problem, it's just a decision that needs making but this lot constantly seem to make the wrong one. There's been a visible trail of them since we lost the likes of Dalrymple and Thelwell increasing in frequency after Nuno went. Whatever Lage's capabilities or failings he was never going to succeed and I doubt under this regime anyone really will.

7.) 13 Oct 2022 14:29:54
If they are plannig for the champioship Rugeley do you really think that £150m plus would be made available for team rebuild?
Dream on.

8.) 13 Oct 2022 15:20:11
Not really W.just saying there would be funds to re-build.

9.) 13 Oct 2022 16:14:22
Bux I'm not sure Lopetegui had an interview, as such. Shi flew out to Spain to talk him into taking the job. He must have known about Lopetegui's personal circumstances before he went, what was the point?

You're right we should have bought the top striker we've desperately needed for 2 years or more. Our only hope is that Traore gets sorted and back to business getting those crosses in to Costa.

10.) 13 Oct 2022 16:25:07
Shi may be a good businessman but he does not have a clue about running a premier football club and that is the reason he has made so many bad decisions. He has relied on people like Mendes and Sellers to much and his decisions have destroyed any unity we had in our club. I make a plea to all the fans to get behind the players on Saturday for 90 mins and let's hope we can find a decent manager who can keep us in the premier league. Come on me babies.

11.) 13 Oct 2022 21:05:06
Guess who's the new favourite to get the job, folks. Clue: he had a dream and likes 5 at the back!

12.) 14 Oct 2022 20:22:29
LongmyndWolf - Did it ever occur to you that maybe the UEFA sanctions had something to do with the lack of investment during that time? Or is it just a coincidence?

13.) 15 Oct 2022 06:58:28
Handsome Lad, what has UEFA sanctions got to do with failed decision making following the loss of the senior management who brought success with good decision making?

My point was nothing to do with transfers, it was about the way the club is actually being run these days. We seem to stumble through the day now with the term 'bad luck' being used far too often for my liking.



30 Jun 2021 15:04:30
Nuno for Tottingham seemingly. First home game, too. Interesting, very interesting.

Old Wulf

1.) 30 Jun 2021 21:09:46
If rumours are to be believed, Coady is on Nuno’s wish list. He must be priced high if approached by Tottenham. I mean really high!

2.) 30 Jun 2021 21:44:39
Over the coming days and weeks the rumours will be:

Kane to be sold by Spurs and the money used to buy Neves, Coady and Traore from Wolves.

3.) 01 Jul 2021 07:10:51
Personally I think he will go in for neves and Neto when fit, can’t see him going for coady, and if he did wolves would want big money for him, would spurs pay that, interesting days ahead.

4.) 01 Jul 2021 09:00:42
Only rumours, but do we try for, Costa, boateng, paulinho, at 32yrsvold?

5.) 01 Jul 2021 09:57:54
If they're will to accept vastly reduced wages then yes but somehow I can't see Boateng or Costa accepting less than £100k a week and that's if they take a pay cut.

6.) 01 Jul 2021 09:59:28
Im sure the rumours will be rife regarding Wolves players going to Spurs but it would be v odd to think Wolves will sell players to Spurs just because our ex manager is there. Its not like Spurs are known to be a club that hugely overpays for its players.
Also although they are nominally one of the big 6 if they sell Kane the rest of the squad is fairly ordinary and thin - note Bale and Vinicius are gone. To me it looks like they will need to buy a new CF and at least one CB before they should be looking at Coady, Neves or Traore.

7.) 01 Jul 2021 10:35:56
Could be some swapsies on the cards?

8.) 01 Jul 2021 12:25:39
Can't see Neto playing for Nuno if gossip is true that he had a bust up with Nuno for playing him whilst injured.

9.) 01 Jul 2021 12:56:06
Sevlow - suspect most of their players will be on wages that are, in Wolves terms at least, far too high for their ability.
Even then apart from Son and Kane who are of course are top class, I'm not that certain they have much we would want. Lloris is in the Patricio stage of his career and at CB they probably are weaker than us with only Alderweild (sp? ) being top class. I'd think Semedo and Otto are just as good as any of their, admittedly competent, 4 WBs. Neves would be the best CM in either squad and obviously you wouldn't swap anyone they have apart from Son/ Kane for Neto or Traore.
This is why until last seaon's debacle we were a peer of Spurs and in my view ahead of Arsenal.
We are a good team we just had a v bad year!
Get it right this summer and get the injured players back and we will be fine. We have given away a lot of ground so it won't be easy but despite a lot of doom and gloom we can return to the upward trajectory if we don't repeat the errors of last summer.

10.) 01 Jul 2021 13:08:37
Very good analysis TFSG. So interesting to see how matters unfold.

11.) 01 Jul 2021 14:11:31
My double swap would be Sissoko and Son for Neves and Podence.

12.) 01 Jul 2021 16:01:10
Sevlow - that is a smart and interesting move.
Son > Podence but Neves > Sissoko.
Frankly i'd give a quite bit of cash as well as Son>>> Podence (I like Podence but Son is v v good) and whilst Neves may be >> Sissoko goalscoring players are far more important than CMs particularly DCM.
If, as we are told, Nuno is besotted with Semedo then I'd be willing to chuck him in either instead of Podence or as well with a RB Aurier coming back. If we were playing WBs not FBs I'd take Doherty but I gather Lage plays 4 at the back.

13.) 01 Jul 2021 17:25:25
When the dirt comes out from the molineux you won't think so highly of nuno. Me I hope he's sacked by xmas.

14.) 02 Jul 2021 12:47:01
All our decent players will end up at spurs. Fosun have no money so it's one way from here down.

15.) 04 Jul 2021 17:30:46
Sevlow - MSN are pickng up on your story of Sissoko to Wolves! Either you are a real genius, "in the know" or they really have nothing else to write.
Interesting though - a player who for me flattered for France but has not pulled up trees at Spurs but has def got legs and is big and strong.
Not quite as good as Dendonker but in similar mould?



03 Oct 2020 15:09:59
New 4 year deal for Jiminez.

Old Wulf

1.) 03 Oct 2020 15:17:58
This is best news of the window next to Nuno. I said he was priceless for us.

Mean I wouldn't sell him for 100 mil.

2.) 03 Oct 2020 15:22:53
😀 another top signing.

3.) 03 Oct 2020 15:36:40
Good news!

4.) 03 Oct 2020 15:44:06
Fantastic news. :)

5.) 03 Oct 2020 16:04:19
Great new and shows commitment to wolves when he could of easily have joined a club who are in the champions league he must be confident of success with wolves this along with Nuno is the best buisness we have done this season fantastic news RAÙL is a true WOLF🐺🧡🖤🇲🇽🇲🇽.

6.) 03 Oct 2020 16:24:03
Very interesting news that Raúl has signed a new 4 year deal given he could literally have gone to any club he desired in this window. The thing I would take out of it is that Fosun have clearly given Jiménez assurance about what they intend doing in the next couple of years I think maybe failing UEFA ffp rules has hampered us this window but on paper we have plenty of young talent for nuno to nurture. The progress over the last 3 years has been staggering and maybe this season will be a consolidating one and we push on next season. don't think there’s any doubting Fosuns commitment and ambition for our club remains as strong as ever onwards and upwards.

7.) 03 Oct 2020 16:45:07
How long did Diogo have left on his contract when he went . The only thing contracts mean is that we get a bigger price if we sell.

8.) 03 Oct 2020 17:03:15
Si senor!

9.) 03 Oct 2020 17:06:28
So he's down the road then!

10.) 03 Oct 2020 17:55:20
Good news let's see if jimenez earns his money with some goals or assists tomorrow.

11.) 03 Oct 2020 18:36:14
He's always earned his money up until now.

12.) 03 Oct 2020 18:45:12
This is good news, it's a shame some can't see that. Perhaps they would be happier if he didn't sign?

13.) 03 Oct 2020 19:45:45
Wimbornewolf, don't worry there's always someone handy with a bucket of water!




Old Wulf's banter posts with other poster's replies to Old Wulf's banter posts


27 Apr 2024 07:29:16
What controversies are in store for us today, folks? I used to look forward to the game.

Old Wulf

1.) 27 Apr 2024 07:57:19
VAR has definitely spoilt the game, I believe we should ban it like the Swedish FA have done, apart from goal line technology. Wolves seem to have had some bad VAR decisions and so have other clubs. I have lost interest in the game since VAR have been introduced. It’s obvious to me that VAR officials do not know what they are doing and saying sorry after making mistakes does not bring back the points lost. My wife says maybe the officials are corrupt.

2.) 27 Apr 2024 08:36:02
I'm interested to see the reactions and ambitions today. Luton will see this as a potential 3 points in their survival fight and be up for it. We've got a lot of wrongs to pit right after the bournmouth game and GON must show us his motivation. We as supporters have to get behind the lads or we could find everyone's concentration dropping and resign9ng ourselves to defeat. With man city Palace and Liverpool to come we don't want to go out on a string of hiding. Get behind the boys, it is a big game all round confidence wise. So, COYW COYW COYW.

3.) 27 Apr 2024 10:04:46
Soon be the close season and will be pining for the footy to return.
For me it's going to better than last years close season for a few reasons,
1, it's one out the every 2 years with the euros or world cup.
The euros in Germany with an eye if neto is fit watching portugal and our other players.

2, much more hope with GON to sign his own players along with the absolute need to add to the squad so next season we don't burn out when injuries occur.

Putting VAR to the side we've got the mentality under GON and our owners and hobbs to really kick on.

Today the obvious we will either win well or repeat our poor displays.
Hope of course we play well for my bro firstly myself and all wolvrs fans on our wolves rumours/banter site.

Title looks like man City but wouldn't it be great if turned them.over next week.


4.) 27 Apr 2024 10:38:50
I really hope we put on a performance today. We can't get Europe and we can't go down.

If I was GON, I'd go all Brian Clough on the team and say that they are fighting for their future at the club. Too many have become complacent.

The only players that seem to try are AIT, Semedo, Lemina, Gomes and Cunha. The rest of them are on the beach and need a kick up the ar*e.



19 Apr 2024 08:07:55
No FA cup replays! Is nothing sacrosanct? Tail wagging the dog, yet again.

Old Wulf

1.) 20 Apr 2024 07:50:58
You know the answer to that.
All to suit the big clubs to ease their Euro congestion and get the big money.
Disgusting, but what else to you expect.



02 Mar 2024 14:13:06
No Gomes today. Either been celebrating that call up too much or, more likely, not recovered from Wednesday's injury!

Old Wulf

1.) 02 Mar 2024 14:28:41
Wes Okoduwa, on the bench today, is 15 yes old!

2.) 02 Mar 2024 14:46:23
Aparently cramp, but he definitely was wincing a little bit and holding his leg when I saw him come off against Brighton.

3.) 02 Mar 2024 15:25:13
Great start.14m mins and go behind

4.) 02 Mar 2024 15:57:41
Bellegarde has been so poor today.
Joao is a massive miss as Newcastle are dominating the middle of the park.

5.) 02 Mar 2024 16:47:03
Jas, I'm finding it very hard to actually understand what Bellegarde does? I'd much rather see one of the young lads given a go on the wing because he's just not good enough.

6.) 02 Mar 2024 17:34:48
I thought we were unlucky today-first 2 goals both helped by deflections.2nd half we were the better side.Considering our injury problems we did very well.



02 Mar 2024 07:37:02
50 years today folks since one of the best ever days out. League Cup Final, Wolves 2 Man City 1 with Ken Hibbitt and John Richards getting our goals.I remember eey-aye-adio we've won the cup ringing round the ground.Found my ticket the other day;80p! FA cup this year at last?Fed up of losing in the semis, seen us do that in 73, 79, 81, 98 and 19!

Old Wulf

1.) 02 Mar 2024 08:07:42
Yes, what a day indeed Old Wulf, unbelievable, the image I'll never forget was the doog falling to his knees alongside Mike Bailey (, admittedly obscured somewhat) holding the cup up at the Royal box.
There's been so many disappointments as you point out bar our success over forest. It would be my dream to have one more Wembley cup win in my life time. As you ask, this year?

2.) 02 Mar 2024 08:40:18
Great memories.
Who was the only non English player who played for us in that game?

3.) 02 Mar 2024 08:51:37
Old Wolf, I also have a ticket for that final. Like you say 80p and have a ticket for the Second leg of the UEFA cup final against Tottenham at White Hart lane £1.20. A season ticket holder in those days. I can't remember how much it cost but £8 sticks in my mind.would that be about right?

4.) 02 Mar 2024 09:32:54
Two, Greyleg. Frank Munro and The Doog.

5.) 02 Mar 2024 10:09:08
It was Old Wulf, I also went to that and the one against Forest. Actually, never seen Wolves lose at Wembley.

I watched the first leg of the EUFA cup final at the Mol Alpine, broke my left leg very badly, playing football the following Sunday so missed the second leg at White Hart Lane. Waggys goal there was a screamer I seem to remember.

6.) 02 Mar 2024 10:12:58
That would be the mountain Munroe greleg. If I'm recalling rightly his first full cap for Scotland was against England in the home internationals. I know I put a bet on him to score, and he did, in his own net. He was a fantastic player and I think he was spotted when he played against us in the 1967 USA adventure.

7.) 02 Mar 2024 10:33:43
How could I forget Dougan? Old wulf, Too obsessed thinking of 'hello, hello, frankie monroe,

8.) 02 Mar 2024 11:21:33
O yes the doog.
Silly me??

9.) 02 Mar 2024 11:39:41
Not sure about the season ticket cost, alpine. Got some old ones in the loft somewhere but doubt if they'll have the price on.Junior prices in those days of course. Remember queuing to get in the North Bank in the 60's when blokes in their mid 20's were still blagging it to get into the school kids entrance!

10.) 02 Mar 2024 12:42:39
Sorry folks, we also had a Brazilian in those days of course. Zico!

{Ed001's Note - that's a bit too much information there Old Wulf! I am sure your other half appreciated the tidiness down below though.}

11.) 02 Mar 2024 13:04:56
Twice in 73 I think old, league and FA cup.

12.) 02 Mar 2024 13:28:53
I knew there'd be some wag, Ed001!.

{Ed001's Note - hehehe I am glad i didn't let you down.}



11 Nov 2023 18:38:00
Great win for the lads today but anyone who arrived late and decided to leave before the 90th minute wouldn't have seen a goal! Fortunately, that wasn't me.
Two extremely frustrating things about today (and the whole season thus far really). Neto apart, why oh why can't we take a decent corner? Just how many times today did our 11 corners not even beat the first man? What a wasted opportunity.
Next, but in a similar vein really, our final ball is so, so poor with Semedo being particularly culpable today. At least Sarabia when he came on showed them how to do it. Class touch and strike for his goal also.
Got to work on the end product/ delivery and if that can improve we're in business.

Old Wulf

1.) 11 Nov 2023 20:01:50
Today was a prime example of why you should never leave a match early.

2.) 11 Nov 2023 21:57:18
Me and me son said the same about the corners old wulf. We were even wishing for a moutihino short style, that used to get repeated so much, for a change today. But I'm taking the win, sarabia and my MoM lamina showed how it should've be done at the end, not forgetting cunhas ball in, arced beautifully onto sarabia s run. Exhilarating finish to a frustrating game. 100% for effort and persistence.

3.) 11 Nov 2023 22:25:43
Ait Nouri corners were terrible. Bellegardes were better.

4.) 11 Nov 2023 22:27:10
To be fair Abbey, Moutinho was the worst for not beating the 1st man on a corner, which is probably why he did so many short corners.
I agree on Lamina, he is like a man possessed. It looked like his legs had gone as he started to run for his goal, but his sheer determination just got him there. He was easily man of the match. Absolutely brilliant end to the game and well deserved.

5.) 12 Nov 2023 13:10:07
Wev struggled to take a good corner for uears.and with dawson in the side we need to be able to put the ball in ther.what a result tho and a world class finish from sarabia.makes last weeks result a little easier to take

6.) 12 Nov 2023 20:05:08
Tbh, I wasn't convinced with sarabia initially, but that control and finish was sublime, plus his assist, so I willingly eat humble pie, let's have more of that from him, coyw




Old Wulf's rumour replies


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16 Jul 2024 17:20:55
Greenwood and Hwang? Seems unlikely.

Old Wulf



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14 Jul 2024 06:52:30
More good sense again Bully's.

Old Wulf



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13 Jul 2024 10:26:37
He puts in a fair few poor performances goggs but knows where the net is and that's a very valuable and important asset.

Old Wulf



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09 Jul 2024 14:17:06
And Andy Thompson, Alistair Robertson but they had no previous. I'm sure I've seen somewhere that he's riled our fans fairly recently.

Old Wulf



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08 Jul 2024 14:37:41
Stop fence sitting with your opinions, Bux. Hasn't Ramsdale got previous with us?

Old Wulf




Old Wulf's banter replies


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25 Jul 2024 07:19:43
We know Dawson is good enough to play in a back four but the jury is out on the others. Toti is improving but still prone to positional errors, Santi needs to beef up and I'm sure we'd all like to see Mosquera play so that we can properly judge and assess him. Fingers crossed he's the answer

Old Wulf



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24 Jul 2024 12:39:37
You seem to have forgotten about seating E. In round terms, a seat takes up the space of two standing people so an all seater stadium of 30, 000 would equate to a 60, 000 standing capacity.Pricing strategy also needs to be factored in and it will be interesting to see if the recent major hike has an impact on attendances.While it would be nice to have a bigger and better stadium, success doesn't hinge on that.Bayer Leverkeusen have managed to win the Bundesliga on a 30, 000 capacity which is much smaller than many German clubs, Girona have managed to qualify for the Champions League on a less than 15, 000 capacity, so have Atalanta on 21, 500. Arguably, the standard of the German, Spanish and Italian leagues is better than the Premier League at the moment. Success above all else hinges on having a top scouting network to unearth gems at an early stage.We seem to be edging towards being able to do this now that the failed buy big policy has been consigned to the rubbish bin.

Old Wulf



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21 Jul 2024 20:21:01
You may be right about the timescale E but it's difficult to carp too much about this summer's transfer dealings so far. The time to comment will be when the window closes but we all know Fosun are unable to spend the sort of money you are quoting without recouping most via sales. Their head is only just above the P&S waterline.

Old Wulf



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21 Jul 2024 15:53:11
Agree 123. Only delivered the best team we've seen down our way for 50 years.

Old Wulf



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30 Jun 2024 22:38:50
The same was said during the last Euros, baza. He's a slow learner.

Old Wulf



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