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E from Wombourn's rumours posts with other poster's replies to E from Wombourn's rumours posts


07 Dec 2023 12:49:15
Lopetegui to join Forest after Wolves game.

E from Wombourn

1.) 07 Dec 2023 15:39:13
I do hope so cause he'd look like an absolute fool! Left us because we didn't spend enough to join a team currently having to wind back through fears of FFP, priceless! He's going to become the Spanish Big Sam at this rate! ???

2.) 07 Dec 2023 17:27:56
No way is Lopetegui joining Forest. He will have bigger fish to fry. He's hoping for Man U but will probably settle for Crystal Palace.

3.) 07 Dec 2023 21:58:25
Deep Newcastle, Spurs or Chelsea could crop up soon as well.

4.) 08 Dec 2023 17:59:41
Arddunby, you may be right but I think those three clubs are a bit out of his reach at the moment. He could have stayed at Wolves and burnished his PL credentials, but he didn't. The Palace job would allow him the opportunity to put himself in shop window for higher PL clubs to take note of. Given that he coached Real Madrid, Sevilla and the Spanish national side, he must be capable of better jobs than Forest.



01 Sep 2023 17:20:08
Agreement reached with Strasbourg for transfer of Bellegarde

E from Wombourn



30 Aug 2023 19:43:05
Wolves have bid £21.4 million for Habid Diarra a 19 year old midfielder from Strasbourg to replace Nunes.

E from Wombourn

1.) 30 Aug 2023 22:24:12
It got rejected mate.

2.) 30 Aug 2023 22:25:51
I read they have turned it down and said to stay with them this season

3.) 30 Aug 2023 22:31:30
Rejected apparently

4.) 31 Aug 2023 06:26:47
This is the problem with the sale going though so late in the window. There is as of now a day and a half to replace Nunes.

5.) 31 Aug 2023 07:39:46
That’s 2 summer windows ruined by Nunes.
We seemed to wait an eternity last year for him to decide to join us (we seemed to prefer him over Palhinha) and this year had this deal been sorted weeks ago we could have snapped up Scott. Fabrizio Romano said that there would be transfer action on the Nunes front late in the Window (he said it several months ago).
I have to say that’s 12 months where this player doesn’t seemed to have cared less about our club. Opportunist!



26 Oct 2022 12:20:41
Wolves are being linked with Enso Fernandez who is worth around £44million.

E from Wombourn

{Ed002's Note - He only moved clubs three months ago.}

1.) 26 Oct 2022 12:52:05
Don't think a player of the quality of Fernandez would jump aboard a sinking ship. Won't need to pay those sort of fees for second division football.

2.) 26 Oct 2022 13:36:43
Jimenez is back in the country on Friday Ray and things will start picking up I’m sure.
A surprise three points at Brentford win against Brighton and a draw with Arsenal then we can all chill and enjoy the World Cup while our owners sort out our new manager and find the players they need to implement their ten year plan of achieving Champions League football.

3.) 26 Oct 2022 13:57:32
Il have a pint of what you're drinking Wombourne ?

4.) 26 Oct 2022 14:27:00
Jimenez is indeed back Friday but will still be out until after the WC he is continuing his recovery with us.

5.) 26 Oct 2022 14:54:06
You're right Wombourne Raul is back Friday but sadly not fit. The Raul of 2 years ago could have played a big part in changing our fortunes, but we have to accept he will never be the same player which is understandable. Having said that a half fit Raul is a vast improvement on what we have.

6.) 26 Oct 2022 15:58:11
Connor Coady says Wolves is a fantastic club full of fantastic people and it always will be.He says he loves Wolves to bits.



30 Jul 2021 13:07:56
Rumours that Nuno is considering selling Doherty (again) . He could fit in well in a 4-4-2 and wouldn't break the bank.

E from Wombourn

1.) 30 Jul 2021 13:43:40
No he can't play in a 442. Do you not remember when Zenga and Lambert were at the club and Doherty looked inept as a RB.

2.) 30 Jul 2021 14:17:29
Doherty looked inept at RB for Spurs.

3.) 30 Jul 2021 15:11:27
Was Doherty inept in a back four when we knocked Liverpool out of the FA Cup in January 2017 in a back four consisting of Stearman Hause Coady and Doherty?

4.) 30 Jul 2021 15:39:53
At Anfield.

5.) 30 Jul 2021 16:06:56
Did he have an outstanding game on that day? I remember the whole team playing well but it's not like we played the strongest Liverpool team. Mind you, Coady also had a good game at RB, maybe we should play him there more often.

Doherty is an average RB/ LB but a better WB. Unfortunately Lage plays 442.

6.) 30 Jul 2021 16:35:50
Make your mind up Jas. Is Doherty inept or average?
Who would you play out of our current squad at RB?

7.) 30 Jul 2021 17:02:36

If the squad was as it is now including injuries, my team to face Leicester would be:

GK: Sa
RB: Semedo
LB: Ait-Nouri
CB: Mosquera
CB: Saiss
CDM: Coady
CM: Neves
AMF/ No 10: Silva
RW: Trincao
LW: Adama
CF: Jimenez

Subs: Ruddy, MGW, Marcal, Hoever, Moutinho, Podence, Dendoncker.

8.) 30 Jul 2021 17:17:03
E. We severely embarrassed a depleted Liverpool side at Anfield in the FA Cup. Great, but so what? Happens all the time, PL teams field weakened sides against lower-league cup opposition! By your thinking, we should be re-signing Stearman. He scored that day. Costa played a blinder. Bring him back too? Fact is, Doc is a far better WB than RB.

9.) 30 Jul 2021 17:27:28
Doherty is in the past, he was quick enough to run off for the coin. We move forward.

10.) 30 Jul 2021 19:35:08
That’s some team Jas but none of your starting eleven have scored a goal so far in pre-season and who is going to take the free kicks and corners?

11.) 30 Jul 2021 19:53:33
E from Wombourne, you really have to put a negative spin on everything don't you.

But to answer your question about Free kicks and corners - Trincao to take the free kicks and corners with Neves to take the direct free kicks.

I might pre-empt your next question. Jose Sa to stand between the posts and try to stop the penalties.

12.) 30 Jul 2021 21:11:11
@Italia Wolf - Doherty didn’t jump, he was pushed.

13.) 31 Jul 2021 07:44:05
That team won't be the team that starts at Leicester.
I reckon they will sign a few before then.
Im not comfortable playing 4 at the back I don't think we have the cbs nor the midfielders to play that system.
I can see he is playing with 4 in preseason. But I reckon it will be 343 attacking 523 when defending. As we still haven't added Coady or Traore to the team yet.
I think the change to 442 will be gradual when signings are made between now and September.

14.) 31 Jul 2021 10:39:14
Why would Lage play 442 all pre season and then revert back to a back 3 or back 5 against Leicester?
Doesn't that defeat the purpose of pre season?

15.) 31 Jul 2021 14:58:09
It does Jas that's true but Coady hasn't been available so far and surely if Lage is open minded he will start by playing the optimum system for the players he has available and try to evolve the playing style as the season progresses. I'll make a judgement after the Celta Viga game as probably the Leicester line up will start that game however at some point this season I feel we will need to revert to a back 5 if things go pear shaped. Although I hope not it may be earlier than we think.

16.) 31 Jul 2021 20:39:09
343 today cheers Jas. 😂.

17.) 31 Jul 2021 21:18:00
And according to some on here who watched the game, we were poor. I can't comment because I didn't watch it.

18.) 31 Jul 2021 21:53:21
I watched the game and I didn’t think we were poor, we played a lot of rapid one touch and looked comfortable most of the time something that became less and less as time went on under Nuno. Yes we do have defensive aerial problems I hope that will be sorted, we all know that so Bruno certainly knows. Look forward with confidence, we’re all on the same side don’t be negative.

19.) 01 Aug 2021 09:51:48
Otasowie? Didn’t feature in Las Palmas game and missing from Stoke game squad. Injured or what?

20.) 01 Aug 2021 10:19:45
Not injure we are swapping him for docherty.

21.) 01 Aug 2021 12:38:08
I have watched all our pre season games and we still do not carry any threat from our midfield when on the attack, I am still not convinced that this squad of players will keep us in the Prem.

22.) 01 Aug 2021 21:59:32
Jas mate its the best system with our squad.
If you play Coady you have to play 3 at the back. He isn't quick enough to play in a 4.
Arguably Donk and Saiss are the best cbs at the club. They play for there countries there and I would say are better suited to 4 at the back.
Id love to see us transition smoothly from a 442 433 and 343 to 541 to close out games.
Bruno get the players that can transition smoothly. Sort the defence, strengthen midfield with a box to box midfielder and creative midfielder. And sell Cutrone and Mir for Carlos Vinicius and Leao.




E from Wombourn's banter posts with other poster's replies to E from Wombourn's banter posts


18 Jun 2024 09:25:22
The fixture list has been kind to us.
We start with a home game end with a home game and are home on Boxing Day.

E from Wombourn

1.) 18 Jun 2024 11:10:42
Ah. arsenal away 1st up

2.) 18 Jun 2024 12:04:40
It’s only kind in what you say with regards to home games. It is a really hard start. We could be around bottom after the first two months if we get off to a really slow start and don’t manage to pick up a point or two against the top six to eight teams.

3.) 18 Jun 2024 13:11:03
Yeah I'm with VB, not sure how you could possibly call that list kind?! Out of six games five of those teams will be playing for or expecting top four! If that's kind then I'd hate to see mean! going to need a flawless pre season to have any chance of a decent start!

4.) 18 Jun 2024 15:17:58
It looked to me to be October November time before we get a run of winnable games. As such it's vital to avoid bad injuries and bookings in August and September.

5.) 18 Jun 2024 15:21:22
Same old negativity. This time last season I'm sure some fans were saying we wouldn't beat Man City and Spurs so early in the season. It seems some fans have already written us off.

6.) 18 Jun 2024 16:01:40
Not negative, just saying it’s a tough start and we have to keep our heads up and battle hard. We play everyone twice but it can be a good thing to have momentum and can be hard mentally if we don’t start well, especially given the bad end to our season.

7.) 18 Jun 2024 16:34:33
I wonder if Villa and Liverpool fans are looking at us and are worried that they have to play us either side of Champions League ties?

8.) 18 Jun 2024 16:28:04
Got to play them all at some point? Never understood the panic around the fixture list release, if you're that worried about us then maybe we shouldn't be there?

9.) 18 Jun 2024 16:37:38
Wandering star never say anything till you see how the transfer widows gos we need a striker big style.

10.) 18 Jun 2024 17:12:53
A striker would be a welcome addition as last season we tailed off badly. I think we have done well bringing in Rodrigo Gomes. It was in the papers last week that the club are looking to reignite their interest in Yuri Alberto.

11.) 18 Jun 2024 20:30:00
Tailed off badly?! Same old negativity or just realistic?! Pick a lane! ?

12.) 18 Jun 2024 22:44:07
BullysBoy, I think I've missed your point. I'm not being negative. When Neto, Hwang and Cunha were out, we struggled and so Rodrigo is a good attacking addition.

13.) 18 Jun 2024 23:43:10
My point was that you accused some fans of 'writing us off' for simply acknowledging that we have a tough first two months! It's not being negative it's just being realistic, exactly as you were being when you said we tailed off. That's all, no bother mind was just have a giggle buddy ?



05 Jun 2024 16:00:42
Wolves announce adult price freeze on tickets for 2025/26 and no under 14 increase for this coming season.

E from Wombourn

1.) 05 Jun 2024 16:20:20
Yea E, they managed to thank the FAB for their input! It's a start I suppose, I'd be interested to see the discussion details. Hopefully they'll have taken the message and recognised the concerns. Any chance of a further explanation other than benchmarks? I don't expect it. At least the little wolfs survived the impact and parents relieved.

2.) 05 Jun 2024 16:40:59
There were some funny comments on Wolves' latest post on LinkedIn, one guy claimed the new sponsor has a dubious track record (I won't say on here as I don't know if they're true or not)

3.) 05 Jun 2024 18:30:20
So we have the luxury of knowing if we are in the championship we won’t have to pay any more than £900 to watch our team
Thanks oh thanks Jeff

4.) 05 Jun 2024 18:48:46
I've seen the same FJ, it puts a question mark over any potential sponsoring if anywhere near true I think. Its reported that JD sports are our sleeve sponsor tho.

5.) 05 Jun 2024 19:32:49
With regards to sponsorship, have a look at the accusations leveled at Standard Chartered. Should clubs do more due diligence when getting into an agreement with sponsors?



27 Dec 2023 12:13:44
As well as battling the refs and VAR we have also had to battle the fixture compilers with a tough away game to start the season Liverpool away to end the season away in London for todays Xmas fixture whereas Liverpool get an easy journey to Burnley and Klopp says they can now have two days off with their family.
If any of the top clubs were given our fixture schedule their managers would be outraged.
Arsenal have to travel all the way to West Ham today and Man City all the way to Everton.

E from Wombourn

1.) 27 Dec 2023 13:41:01
It's not the computer E it's TV schedules that the battle is with, Brighton played the first Christmas fixture on the 21st of December and will play the last on 2nd January. 12 days to play 3 matches, we are playing 3 in 6. The fixture dates the computer generated were Saturday 23rd, Tuesday 26th and Saturday 30th.

2.) 27 Dec 2023 13:45:34
Shame we couldn't have had a warm balmy evening for tonight as well E from Wombourn. We can only play the cards we're dealt. Forest had to go to Newcastle and did rather well. Let's hope the boys finally get something in London.

3.) 27 Dec 2023 14:09:40
It’s about the recovery time Abbey.
Using Liverpool as an example they get an easy journey to Burnley on the 26th and their next game is a home game on 01/01 whereas we have a game against Everton on Saturday after arriving back in Wolves in the early hours of Thursday.
Just saying that Klopp would have a hissy fit if this was Liverpool whereas we say thank you very much for allowing us to partake in the wonderful premier league.

4.) 27 Dec 2023 16:17:09
Sorry E wombourne I sounded rather sarcastic, no I take your point but I suppose we get an extra day when games are moved to Sunday when the oppo as played in Europe on Thurs night. It can sort of even out. Brentford have had a decent break I think over us too. It's tipping it down and blowing a gale down my way so I was wistfully dreaming as well.

5.) 27 Dec 2023 16:22:52
Just out of interest, does anyone know how we prepare and travel to a game like tonight's?
I read they were given Christmas day off, and training on Boxing Day. Would they then have travelled last night, or go this morning? I'm presuming from E's post that we travel straight home after the game.

6.) 27 Dec 2023 17:55:58
Dunno about now or Xmas but years ago when we played at Reading they came by coach and stopped in oxford hotel the night before Tim.

7.) 27 Dec 2023 15:47:56
Let's not make too big a deal about the travel to London. It isn't that far to be of any consequence. We have a small roster, so the more problematic issue is a game every 3 days. But the teams in Europe and those in Carabao Cup have been doing that all fall, so we can't whine about it much now that we have a short run of them.



21 Dec 2023 10:13:50
Who will finish higher Wolves or Forest?

E from Wombourn

1.) 21 Dec 2023 12:18:22
Sods law says Forest will finish above us. Pretty obvious there will be no significent signings in January so hoping Neto comes back all guns blazing but a lot to ask of him. Just so annoying that some of the signings we have made in the summer are now anonymous .

2.) 21 Dec 2023 13:23:35
Forest, Nuno will organise them defensively well enough to snatch enough points.

3.) 21 Dec 2023 15:16:14
Shouldn't we be getting behind Gary O'Neil and Wolves rather than talking about Nuno and Forest.

How Nuno gets on is nothing to do with us. We've moved on.

4.) 21 Dec 2023 16:16:45
It is very much to do with us Jas M as Forest are the worst team we have played this season and any one who finishes below them won’t be far off the relegation places.
I’m all for getting behind GON and will be there against Chelsea on Sunday when three points would be very welcome.
Come on Gary give us a happy Xmas.

5.) 21 Dec 2023 21:36:54
I'm which case E you've loaded the question in the first place! I think anyone saying Forest will finish higher almost certainly means wktb both of us well clear! I wouldn't say it any other season but if we go down THIS season then we really are in trouble! Take a look at the table, with the way it's going I'd be amazed if much above 30 points isn't safe this year!

6.) 22 Dec 2023 02:18:43
Bully’s Boy this time last season we were in trouble at the bottom of the table and took action to get out of it.
Other clubs are now taking action and we are one of the targets to catch.
The pundits are writing off Sheffield United Burnley and Luton but they are going to fight for their lives and GON is saying we won’t have much to spend in January.

7.) 22 Dec 2023 12:15:18
Defence is very much our weak spot this season if we can tighten up second half without weakening our attacking play we'll be fine, IF being very much the key word. Only 5 teams have a worse goal difference than us Forest included. At the moment based on the points haul per game 22 points will probably be enough to stay up let alone 30 but we can't be complacent as that will surely increase towards the season end.

8.) 22 Dec 2023 15:14:12
We start too slow in each half, then have to come from behind. West Ham took their foot off the gas after going 2-0 up, which was the reason we looked ok for a short spell.
I'm ok with building from the back and trying to pull the opposition out of shape, but we do need to pass forward at some point and change the speed and accuracy of passes. In short we need to close the opposition down quicker, improve our distribution and show some urgency going forward. Hopefully GON and The team will get this sorted after the last few games. It will be difficult against Chelsea, but fingers crossed the poor Chelsea turn up and we grab 3 much needed points.



19 Dec 2023 11:34:39
Were the early season good performances down to Lopeteguis influence on the team or does GON take the credit?
Either way it is harsh to blame GON for our current performances with a team that JLO said wasn't good enough to compete and one he walked out on the eve of the season and we sold more players leaving us with a threadbare squad.
GON has gotten the best out of what he has had to work with and as other posters have pointed out the problems lie elsewhere with poor past bad management of the clubs finances and no investment in facilities as promised when the owners came in.
Only Neves left on good terms with the club with many other fan favourites leaving under a cloud.Why is this?

E from Wombourn

1.) 19 Dec 2023 13:25:09
Poor past management for me. Bruno Lange was a disaster and worse still wasted a lot of money. So a combination of Shi and Lange are the culprits as I see it. JL should have stayed to prove his worth as a Manager, but that's in the past, we're not the size of club that can keep spending. We need to spend wisely and have done on occasion. Neves, Jota, Neto, Saiss, Jimenez, Coady etc. We've also had some howlers Fabio, Guedes, Nunes, are the ones that spring to mind quickly. The jury's still out on SASA and Sarabia also for me.
We did need a big clear out to bring in younger players. The suprise for me during the summer fire sales was Collins. Neves we all expected to leave. The others Raul, Moutinio had just become bit part players so had no long term future at the club.
I still believe we have a good team to compete. It's squad depth I think we lack. Is it any coincidence that our form has dropped after losing Neto?
We no longer have a winger who can go past defenders. I think that's the problem. Our preferred first team is great, but once we get injuries and suspensions we struggle to compete.

2.) 19 Dec 2023 13:50:41
We never a more from outside the penalty area since we lost Neves, all we have now haven't got a decent shot in them. I know Ruben wasn't prolific but it seemed like every goal he scored was special. They seem afraid to even have a shot now. I know some have high hopes of the transfer window, but don't hold your breath on that. If we do sign anyone I hope they are big enough with a big of fight, the present squad are too lightweight and easily knocked over. As was the case with Podence.

3.) 19 Dec 2023 17:05:55
Podence would shoot and scored a few Ray389. I'd love it if a few would run and have ago rather than pass it around.

4.) 19 Dec 2023 17:19:07
Flipped Nunes for a cool £10 million profit. How is that bad?

5.) 19 Dec 2023 17:28:14
Coopers gone and Forest are talking to Nuno.

6.) 19 Dec 2023 18:13:18
It would be good to see Nuno back in the Premier. Will always be thankful for what he did for the town of Wolverhampton.

7.) 19 Dec 2023 18:32:56
Nuno was great, but look what happened when the money dried up. I don't think Forest will go down, but they'll struggle next year due to ffp. With all the money they've spent over the last two seasons at least I'd be surprised if they have a wiggle room in the summer without breaching the rules. Not sure if Nuno will improve their predicament.

8.) 19 Dec 2023 20:43:05
Blackford - Nuno was indeed great but i'm far from certain you would call him a cheque book manager?
Given the squad he took over and where he took us in just 3 seasons, ie Seville, the cost of doing so was absolute peanuts?
I think only Jimenez cost more than £20m?
Indeed I would also add that the problems didn't come about when the money dried up but when it was crazily spent?

9.) 20 Dec 2023 09:45:12
My apologies I didn't mean to suggest that Nuno was a cheque book Manager. On the contrary he built a great team. He loved Wolves (Wolverhampton) and we all loved him. Simply put he was fantastic for us. We could though level the same argument for Magic Mick. He got us into the PL on a shoestring. Getting players from non league. Unfortunately it all fell apart I think primarily when we signed Roger Johnson and Jamie O'Hara. Getting back to Nuno though yes I agree we had 3 fantastic seasons with him, but in those three seasons when we finished 7th we could play virtually the same team week in, week out. We went without any long term injuries for 3 years. Even my wife (who really is interested in football) could name the starting eleven. It was only when we started to lose players, sold or injured that we as a club struggled. As someone mentioned above there was no plan B.
If through some bizarre set of circumstances the chance arose I would welcome Nuno back to Wolves.
For now though GON has my full support through this emotional roller coaster life of a Wolves fan.
Wishing you a Merry Xmas and Prosperous new year.

10.) 20 Dec 2023 13:18:07
Nuno was successful because he was able to pick all the players he wanted and get rid of others.
That will not be so easy mid season.
Plus, older players may not put up with his domineering personality.

11.) 20 Dec 2023 22:04:58
Black - no worries. Your comment on Mick is a fair one and for reasons I can't recall now we didn't back him at all with predicatable results?
Nuno didn't spent a vast amount particularly compared to the clubs he was competing with but he was backed more than adequately.
BB (above) as usual makes an excellent and relevant point that with Nuno we recruited v well not only in terms of quality but also and probably even more importantly in terms of fit!
For example he inherited Doherty so bought Otto to make a perfect pair for the odd pendulum sytem he played. He inherited Coady who was magic as the ball playing sweeper coordinator behind 2 proper CBs in Boly and Saiss ( who he converted, as he did with Coady, from a midfielder).
He also paired Moutinho with Neves who despite the fact that neither could run were as good as any in the Premier League at what they did.
However someone - I guess we all know who - wanted to change the system and despite it not working for Nuno, Lage, JL and now GON there are still cries/pressure presumably from within the club for us to play 4 at the back and an open all action high press attacking game.
Sadly no one has told the recruitment team and we still have a squad of slow or weak players who simply can't play that way!
Unfortunately for all the reasons we have discussed before most of them can now no longer mask their lack of pace and power with the pure genius like Moutinho and Neves and others could and consequently things are not quite as rosy as they were pre Seville




E from Wombourn's rumour replies


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02 Jun 2024 13:01:20
Reports that Man Utd want to buy Cunha and double his wages.
If they really want to make a statement buy Ruben Neves and double HIS wages.

E from Wombourn



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30 May 2024 14:14:34
Great post Fenrir and we can all picture the passion and excitement of a 91st minute winner.
These days though it would be the 107th minute and the goal would need to be checked by VAR.

E from Wombourn



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14 Sep 2023 19:36:32
They’re not interested in the stadium Dek as it would take too long to see a return on investment.
They’re only interested in buying and selling players as that’s where the most profit is for them.

E from Wombourn



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14 Sep 2023 16:53:38
That’s great news Dek123.
£13 million between 20, 000 season ticket holders means we will all get £650.

E from Wombourn



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31 Aug 2023 17:05:02
Strasbourg are owned by Chelsea MRV

E from Wombourn




E from Wombourn's banter replies


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14 Jun 2024 14:23:28
I’m sure investors are queuing up to invest their money into Fosun who want to keep control of the club but use other people’s money to buy players.
How big a per cent would investors receive?
If Fosun can’t make it pay what’s in it for these new investors?
With top players now costing £100million it costs a billion to build a team to compete and 2 billion to build a squad.
Even if an investor puts money in they are only allowed to spend a fraction due to PSR so it could be a long wait to see a return on their money and then we need another half a billion for a stadium.
The ship has sailed and even with the signing of Rodrigo Gomes we are only going to be competing for a top half finish which would be seen as a good season for us.

E from Wombourn



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05 Jun 2024 12:34:44
I would settle for them repairing the holes in the centre circle banner.

E from Wombourn



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04 Jun 2024 17:32:49
You’re wrong Goatmark.
Prices went up by an average of 6% last year and have risen for the previous 6 years.

The first season Fosun took over we were averaging attendances of 21000 so everyone who was interested then could have gotten a season ticket and would not have ended up on the waiting list.

Matt Doherty scored in the first league match under Fosun and he is still in the team so is that progress?

E from Wombourn



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04 Jun 2024 11:15:53
So fans who have been locked out while the prices were low and the team was achieving top 7 are going to take our place now when the prices are high and the team is in the bottom 7?

E from Wombourn



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31 May 2024 01:08:36
Good to see that there are still Jeff Shi backers who are not afraid to air their views despite being in the minority (12000 have now signed the petition).
Here are his EXACT words regarding ffp from his open letter to fans on 08/08/2023;
‘The positive thing is that ffp is based on a rolling number, season by season, so if we do manage it well this summer, next summer we will be more free financially.’

E from Wombourn



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