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10 Jul 2023 15:22:47
Hearing we may be resigning Matt Doherty who is a free agent and JL has given the go ahead.


1.) 10 Jul 2023 15:38:59
Not a wholly inspiring proposition but we've recruited worse.

2.) 10 Jul 2023 16:32:49
He was ok in the his last season for us worked best when we played a back 3 alwsys managed to pop up and grab a few goals but I can't see us going back to that as it seems lopetegui prefers a back 4. Might not be bad on a free

3.) 10 Jul 2023 16:43:04
Nothing against doc on a free, but won't be expecting the playing form of old. Cover for samedo at a price? Or selling samedo for profit? Be nice to have both, although docs had his day I reckon.

4.) 10 Jul 2023 18:00:59
At least Docs will give Semedo something to think about and make him work harder to keep his position. I for one will be glad to see him back in a Wolves shirt ???

5.) 10 Jul 2023 18:40:34
A backward step, he may be Ona free but I’d rather develop a younger player

6.) 10 Jul 2023 19:21:37
Didn't Doherty say that he wanted to leave? He did and just because he wasn't a success at either Spurs or Atletico does not mean we should welcome him back with open arms. He was pretty disrespectful to us when he left so let him wallow without a club.

7.) 10 Jul 2023 20:17:38
I think Docs time has passed, we need to move forward not reinvest in old war dogs.

8.) 10 Jul 2023 20:19:59
He couldn't get out of the door quick enough when Spurs came knocking.

9.) 10 Jul 2023 22:39:48
I'd rather see Lembiska given a chance.
However his experience would help as we may play 3 at the back away from home or to hold onto wins.

10.) 11 Jul 2023 06:27:31
If lopetegui wants him then I accept no problem.

11.) 11 Jul 2023 06:45:18
Phil, I am the same.
What would be best bring in Doughty just for wages (cheap backup), sell Semedo and bring in a decent first choice RB.
Doughty (31): Premier League 119 games 11 goals 17 assists
Semedo (29): Premier League 95 games 1 goals 3 assists
Semedo needs moving on!

12.) 11 Jul 2023 08:59:57
RugeleyWolf, I fully understand where your coming from with the stats but you can't really compare the 2 players as they played in different teams with different styles. Semedo was brought in so that Nuno could change the style of play and we were defensively stronger.

13.) 11 Jul 2023 11:16:21
I’m with you RugeleyWolf and I think JL might well be looking at a revamp of a tired and leaking defence this season. We need a younger, fitter and more complete defender as our right back for the new season than either Semedo or Doherty.

14.) 11 Jul 2023 11:35:49
Sorry Jas, we differ a little on this.I thought Semedo was brought in as an attacking RB in a "Back 5" setup?
He is certainly not a strong defensive RB, positionally poor and lacks strength in tackles (see his stats of lost tackles).
The problem is he has been exposed as asked to play in a 4 and he is not that player.
I am not impressed with him as a forward option either!
Paying £30+m for him was grossly irresponsible.
One of the most obvious positions to sort. Though don't see Doughty as more than a backup option.

15.) 11 Jul 2023 12:32:41
I suspect he'll be a squad player. Hoever started in Portugal so JL clearly thinks he's worth giving a chance at the moment. If he can -i know its if- make the grade Doc would be a back up with Semedo maybe sold. Let's see.

16.) 11 Jul 2023 19:37:17
My brain is too addled to remember if I’m honest, but wasn’t Doherty sold at a time when Nuno was toying with moving to a back 4 to push us on? Either way, if JLo is considering him, perhaps he’s thinking of an alternative formation to the 4-4-2 in certain matches/situations.

17.) 13 Jul 2023 14:31:02
How dare a player leave for higher wages!



11 Jan 2023 12:32:44
Just been stated on Sky that Felipe will be joining Wolves in the next couple of days that is according to a Spanish expert.


1.) 11 Jan 2023 16:20:46
Yes Baza him and Felipe by all accounts. I wonder if we still want Dawson?

2.) 11 Jan 2023 17:03:31
Sorry, him and Lemina that should have read.

3.) 11 Jan 2023 18:36:59
If we have senior left to right of Samedo, Collins, Killman, Rayan. with youngsters Lembikisa, Mosquera, Toti, Bueno plus additional expericed cover in Jonny and Felipe and with Hoever, Sanderson and Bolla all contracted. we really do have a lot of defenders! And that's assuming Coady has gone. because Everton could go down at this rate.

However the names that excited me that we were linked to were Souttar who was unbelievable at the World Cup and Wan-Bissaka who in think has growth in him. They would be cracking additions if potentially stifling the academy grads chances.

We have been linked to all sorts of defenders this window haven't we. Pau Torres, Manuel Ugarte, Tesco Dawson, Ivan Fresneda Nacho, Javi Sanchez, David Garcia, Marcos Acuna. the clickbaits have done a great job with imagination because all these seem new as previously they recycle the clickbaits from years gone by like Botman and Caleta-Car.

I remember back in my Premier League Sticker Days with Bould, Adams, Keown, Winterburn, Dixon how Arsenal had this great defence that they could just rest and rotate. Imagine if we could build something similar.

4.) 11 Jan 2023 18:57:17
Lets hope with all of those defenders we will be keeping a lot of clean sheets.

5.) 12 Jan 2023 10:32:41
Gdawg - interesting and thought provoking post.

6.) 12 Jan 2023 21:15:48
If Everton go down,can we refuse to take Coady back? I think he'd like it in the Championship in his hometown.



30 Dec 2022 09:32:04
Today is the day if we are to believe some of the so called in the know people, two new signings should be announced.


1.) 30 Dec 2022 09:58:55
It's almost too quiet.
I think somethings going on.
Wouldn't be surprised if anything was announced tomorrow.
Remember as well we have a lot of games coming up Man U, Villa, Liverpool, Forest and west ham over 14 days.
We need as many points as possible from the league games. And a win in the league Cup would be nice.

2.) 30 Dec 2022 10:31:48
Can the ITK poster confirm if the medicals have happened? Or should we wait to hear from the official channels?

3.) 30 Dec 2022 14:31:46
The only thing the ITK posters know are the prices of a kebab in their local chippy.

4.) 30 Dec 2022 22:39:07
From our latest ITK poster (went straight to the banter page)

“ ? told to expect announcement late tomorrow early on the 1st . 2 deals
Happy New year
Happy days for
Debbie I can't name my source”

5.) 01 Jan 2023 14:04:45
Well we're halfway through Jan 1st and we've not heard of a signing so maybe all our itk posters really aren't itk at all



30 Aug 2022 09:36:03
Deal done for Sasa Kaladidzic medical.
Cutrone gone, Boly on the way out.


1.) 30 Aug 2022 18:47:29
Plus Adama to spurs,



24 Sep 2020 14:11:09
Does anyone else think that we are going to sell TRAORE as we are being linked to wingers like Lemar and Costa from Juventus who are interested in Traore with a swap plus fee possibly.


1.) 24 Sep 2020 14:22:42
I highly doubt he goes this season. Still got long deal. Price would be outrageous for any team to match. Next year could be a different matter.

Let him develop with another great season.

2.) 24 Sep 2020 14:41:23
Who sets the fee? Jeff will sell for 20 m I heard! Lol now slate me again!

3.) 24 Sep 2020 16:00:38
Give it a rest Wozza mate you're not even funny anymore.

4.) 24 Sep 2020 17:43:23
Traori will go soon 45 mill, and maybe Vinagra to balance the books, Thomas Lemar on is way to wolves exciting player,
douglas costa not on to old 30 mill plus a joke.

5.) 24 Sep 2020 17:56:35
Traore and Jimenez could bring in shedloads of money. If a big enough offer comes in, one or both could sell, or neither. At present, transfer fees have dropped due to C.V., but as the transfer window closure date nears a team may be desperate to bring top players in, and might pay what we want. I trust Nuno. He will have a plan for any eventuality. Buying and selling is evolving the squad, which Liverpool spent 30 years doing. So far we have had the best transfer window by far, and it's not over yet.

6.) 24 Sep 2020 18:55:17
Selling an Adama to bring in Lemar makes no sense. We won't do that.

7.) 24 Sep 2020 19:39:13
Don't honestly see us selling any first team players now. If true Lemar on a loan to possibly buy would not be a bad deal. His skill seems to have been hiding in Madrid. If he can perform like he did before he could be great. Scary up front then. Though I'm quite happy with Podence at this present time.

8.) 24 Sep 2020 20:02:43
No nothing about the validity of the rumour or its source but noticed that Donyell Malen scored twice for PSV in Europa Cup tonight!

9.) 24 Sep 2020 21:18:42
Firstly I feel that Traore is staying. Douglas Costa would be a waste of money as his best days have gone and is a big injury worry. But Thomas Lemar. It is not what he can do for the club now, but what Nuno could get out of him. That would be an amazing signing if given time under Nuno.

10.) 24 Sep 2020 21:20:37
Another observation from Europa Cup ties tonight. No Palhinha in Sporting Lisbon squad, despite fact they are talking about anew improved contract!

11.) 24 Sep 2020 22:15:20
Ecosse. I thought we would have had him a couple of weeks ago. Looked just right for us a midfield enforcer do the dirty work. You know what I mean engine room business. But seemed they didn't want to spend that much.

12.) 24 Sep 2020 22:17:36
Douglas Costa was an 82nd minute sub for Juventus in their opening league game BUT I’d be more interested in the other sub who joined the match at the same time: centre back Demiral. We were apparently interested earlier in window when it looked like Juve were trying to offload Rugani. Demiral is right sided centre back, a Turkish international and only 22 years old. Missed matches last year with an injury but a huge prospect.

13.) 24 Sep 2020 22:32:37
I'm confused Rated mate, cause from what I've seen Wozza has never even been funny?! Well not intentionally anyway! 🤣 Joking a side we ain't selling Traore and we certianly ain't selling him for £20m, cause we bought him for £18m! For all the moaning (me included) we could/ will make a profit of around £30m from Jota so if that translates for Adama then we'll be nearer the £50m mark! Mind you he isn't leaving this window either way! 🤣.

14.) 24 Sep 2020 22:53:59
Haha Bullysboy mate I was being kind to him :P.

15.) 25 Sep 2020 11:56:23
Part of the strategy at Wolves is to generate annual profits to keep in the clear with financial rules. Clubs are only allowed to make losses up to a certain amount. Traore cost £18 mil I think. Selling him for, say, £60 mil makes a real profit of £42 mil. If we reinvest £25 mil into a young player there's still £17 mil left over to go into the Profit and Loss account in our books. It doesn't matter how much money Fosun have, we need to make annual profits to keep on the right side of financial rules. Bigger clubs don't all have this problem. We are growing both financially and in footballing terms, so unpopular decisions are all part of this process. Call us a selling club if you will, but we are also a growing club.

16.) 25 Sep 2020 12:18:42
Yellows tone as we haven't spent nothing yet there's nothing to balance.

17.) 25 Sep 2020 13:28:29
My thoughts are the transfer deals for all clubs are complicated and structured to get around the ffp rules. I don't think it's as clear cut as we may believe. I maybe totally wrong but I could well be correct.
I don't see signs of us selling Traore even though the speculation of us after Costa and lemar.
What I do think though anything is possible as we don't know anything until it happens. (or that man up the tree in Compton gives us a scoop)
We didn't see fabio silva coming and us selling Jota to Liverpool to name but a few.
If it is possible an attacking box to box midfielder in the same world class bracket of Semedo. (i know that most likely will be out if reach)
I am not sure if a quality cb is needed at this stage of our progression. last season we did have an above average defence.
Clearly we have good defence but wanting to break into the top 6 once we are settled all transfer business done new players bedded in I'm confident we will be back to that hard team to break down with quality attacking we will have a good crack at top 6.

18.) 25 Sep 2020 14:00:21
Ross Barkley could be an option. (attacking box to box midfielder)
I would be happy if we signed him. Young English and Nuno would surely get him close or if not up to his full potential.
The signing of Semedo has surely made other world class players take notice we are a club going places.

19.) 25 Sep 2020 14:57:41
Deep + Phil
I have detailed how FFP works taking the numbers from Wolves accounts, (next ones due next month), in a previous post on this site. This is because it was all the rage on the site a few weeks ago. You do not have to worry!
With respect to the dealings you describe Deep it is much better than that!
Traore bought for 18m 2+ years ago is now in the books for sub 9 - assuming a 4 year deal so profit on a 60m sale is over 51m
Buying a player for 25 on a 4 year deal costs 6.25m per year plus wages.
Consequently after selling Jota, Costa and Doherty this year our profits on players is huge
Doherty in books at 0 so £13.5m profit
Jota bought 2 + years ago for €14m say £13m in books at £6m so profit assuming sold for £40m = £34m
Costa bought for £13m 3.5 years ago thus in books for say 2 sold for 16 profit = 14
ie total profit north of £60m
Given these profits unless the virus hits TV revenues (even if we we have to play the entire season without gate money) I don't think FFP is an issue this year or probably in the next three!
Big clubs do have to adhere to same rules but as you say their much higher commercial revenues mean that it isn't as hard for them as it is for us!

20.) 25 Sep 2020 15:26:21
Can I ask why no one else on this site, (or certainly not many of you), seems to rate Traore?
Last season he beat more defenders than anyone else in the league by a country mile ( I think he may be 2nd only to Hazard in the all time season record? ) he had the 7th most assists and created the 14th most big chances. All of this whilst only playing just over 2,600 mins out of a possible 3,420 and for a side who play in a fairly defensive style not suited to improving his stats!
He is also still young and clearly improving fast - cf stats over the last few years were he was merely an ordinary player not the exceptional one I think he is and it seems all bar wolves fans do
I have been watching Wolves over 50 years and no one has been a true world class player in that time - Robbie Keane the closest (thoughts? )
Traore is not that yet - indeed Salah is a better RW than him in the Prem ( not sure there are any others mind) but he is still progressing and over the next couple of years he might, and I accept it is a might, become World class.
If we wanted to sell him we would be killed in the rush as every big side in the world would want him and the fee would be - even in todays market- not far short of £100m.
Maybe as an old fella I have gone over the top but if you haven't lived through the days of losing to Aldershot and Southend you probably don't appreciate how great it is today
Nuno has performed miracles and Traore is one of them.
I'm looking forward to us genuinely challenging at the very top of European football, as we did in my dad's day, in the near future and to do that you need to keep the exceptional players not sell them early in their evolution for others to benefit from.
We don't need to sell for FFP and in my view shouldn't
Sorry about the rant
Keep safe.

21.) 25 Sep 2020 15:29:14
Good post Thefutureisoldgold.
I find ffp too deep and complicated but you explain it in the clearest way and nice1 for that.

22.) 25 Sep 2020 16:10:51
My thoughts on Traore.
I think his stats for last year in assists was up there in the best in the league. there's no questioning. that. Before the man city away game Traore was hit and miss beat 2 3 or 4 players and hit the cross or shot in row Z but Nuno has done wonders with him and is getting the best out of his end product. I think the time and effort by nuno his team and of Traore we need him for at least another season.
If Traore maintains form with his end product we will have a worldy.
Consistency is the key Traore hasn't had 2 3 seasons being consistent that's the key question I think.

23.) 25 Sep 2020 16:27:17
Robbie Keane was the closest to my boyhood hero Steve Bull. Everytime bully had the ball the southbank would surge and my dad in the then John ireland stand would be on the edge of his seat R. Keane was the only one that has been like bully for me since.
Thefutureisoldgold did you follow wolves in the 1960 fa Cup final win.
Norman Deeley used to coach my football team when playing as a kid.
2020 minus 1960 is 60 years I know but I just proud that Norman Deeley was talking to my dad about all things wolves whist I was put through my paces.
Maybe because I have posted this we will win the fa Cup and Jimenez scores a brace I'm dreaming again.

24.) 25 Sep 2020 17:25:43
Really appreciate your posts.
Agree re Traore - end product not there yet and certainly no track record ( last year was a break out season) .
I have discussed end product before and a lot of it is to do with the fact that when he gets to the by line and looks up there is Jimenez and 3 or 4 defenders - not surprisingly lots of crosses don't come to much.
2 things there - Wolves tactics mean we didn't players in the box - even Jota who was meant to be the 3rd forward was often absent (? ) . Hopefully we will be more progressive this year?
and - he secondly he needs to cut inside sometimes rather than always attack the corner flag - think Seville!
No started going in mid 60s - Mike Bailey, John Holsgrove, Phil Parkes, the Doog and Dave Wagstaffe featured. John Farrington scored the first goal I saw being scored I think.

25.) 25 Sep 2020 17:51:57
Started 67 I think or 68 memory and all that! Wagggy used to play a superb early ball into the box. Great team back then!

26.) 25 Sep 2020 17:58:07
Sound Thefutureisoldgold it's nice to respond with my thoughts.
And stories with anything about wolves by myself by you and anyone else.
Your points on Traore I agree with.
In time Traore and the team have a great chance of getting better.
It would be good to see Traore being the first name on the team sheet having more assists and goals. It's exciting to see how it goes Sunday at West ham it could be the start of what's to come even better.

27.) 25 Sep 2020 18:55:11
Ken Thefutureisoldgold I can't think of his name but he stopped playing football to be a johava witness was it Knowles? I remember my dad telling me he was world class.

28.) 25 Sep 2020 18:57:13
Ken snap
to be honest it got even better early 70s Doog Curran and Gould became Doog and Richards and although we were never more than 4th- wow 4th!
Cup runs as well UEFA Cup Final, League cup win, FA cup semi final (lost to Leeds) .

29.) 25 Sep 2020 19:16:23
futureisoldgold, good explanation on the finances mate. I almost feel sorry for SQ, he's always talking relegation. There's a hell of a lot going on at Wolves on all fronts. This is surely the most exciting time since the days of Stan Cullis when we were probably the most famous team in the world. I too rate Traore very highly. He's potentially the most exciting Wolves player since the 1950s if his development continues. He's the proverbial rough diamond but Nuno knows how to polish him.

30.) 25 Sep 2020 19:16:28
Phil and Thefutureisoldgold.
Phil it was Peter, his brother I think Cyril played for Spurs. Yes he was on the way to being one of the best players this country has produced!
Those games I was at most of them!

31.) 25 Sep 2020 19:28:02
Phil - yes Peter Knowles - brother of Cyril ( Spurs legend) .
He left the game v early perhaps 23 in the mid to late 60s I think and to be honest I have no memory of him as a player but I do remember the gnashing of teeth at the loss of real prospect!

32.) 25 Sep 2020 20:07:51
Thanks Ken and Thefutureisoldgold.
Ha ha floyd Streete Jackie gallagher Jon paskin ally Robertson when he looked old enough to be a grandad no much of a comparison to the doog richards and so on.

33.) 25 Sep 2020 20:11:30
Deep - Exactly!

34.) 25 Sep 2020 20:27:27
Peter Knowles became a Jehovah's Witness that's why he quit. Was a window cleaner still lives (if he's still alive) in Wolverhampton I believe.

35.) 25 Sep 2020 22:01:43
Loved Floyd - he just needed a set of wheels as when he got there he was "effective". Did you go to Sherpa fan final?
Couldn't get a ticket at Wolves end so stood - think it was still
standing at Burnley end.
Bully obviously the main man but Mutch and Dennison made a top class front three for Div 4 as it was and Div 3 and even Div 2.
What loyalty from Bully - never played in Prem but stuck by us!
Ps met Gary Bellamy, also in that team, at a charity do a few years back - what an incredibly nice man.
Strongly suspect I was the only Wolves fan, well the host introduced me to him as such, there and I must have bored him rigid chatting about those days but if he was bored he masked it v well - impressive!

36.) 25 Sep 2020 22:28:34
Unfortunately for me my parents had paid for my school holiday in Austria so I couldn't go to the sherpa van. My brother my dad all my friends and there dad's in the street all went to Wembley in a minibus. I rang my mum from Austria for the result.
You mentioned aldershot in an earlier post I went away to aldershot on the special train in 89 the same day as the Hillsborough tragedy. I was nearly 16 years old.
My brother went to a meet and greet bully and Mutch at the Cleveland a few years back. Our bro has a photo with him in the middle of Mutch and bull. I have met Andy Thompson briefly I was shy and just stuttered alright your my idol ha ha.
You're bang on the money if you have seen wolves play the lowest small teams like aldershot Newport County and what we have now its no wonder people like us are excited and me coming across as being extremely positive.

37.) 25 Sep 2020 22:46:03
Mark kendall the southbank used to sing kendall show us ya bum (the other word for bum beginning with a)
Kendall kendall show us ya bum
And he used to pull his shorts down it was so funny.
I used to like kendalls half volley low goal kicks pinpoint onto Andy Mutch's head for the flick on to bully.
Great Times as a young teenager for me.

38.) 26 Sep 2020 00:38:11
Re Aldershot was that the day the pitch was like a swimming pool - lost 3-0?

39.) 26 Sep 2020 11:22:29
Deep Throat. My first game was the last game of the 67-68. Beat Spurs 2-1 so you can work out exactly how many highs and lows have followed since.

40.) 26 Sep 2020 11:17:05
What a great reaction from you all to my original question about Traore this is what this site is all about thank you all for your responses.

41.) 26 Sep 2020 11:52:20
Talking all things Aldershot: George Berry, one of my Wolves favourites, finished his playing career there.
AND not my first game but the first game my Grandad, on a visit from Glasgow, saw the Wolves. Night game and a 9 - 0 victory over Fulham, with Norman Deeley scoring four. Fulham were without Johnny Haynes but a number of top names in their team. Unsurprisingly my grandad was only mildly impressed. What makes that ever more ironic, is that he was a Partick Thistle season ticket holder, where I can confirm the staple diet on offer at Firhill was no where near what he saw that momentous night.

42.) 26 Sep 2020 12:51:42
Sound baza and good to read your Post SQ.
re aldershot 15th April 1989 we won 1-2 I remember bully scoring.

43.) 26 Sep 2020 13:09:35
re Ecosse wolf me and my brother used to laugh at George Berry's haircut when we were little kids when we didn't know anything.

44.) 26 Sep 2020 13:48:08
My favorite player has always been for sheer fun and entertainment was Steve Kindon. You never knew what was going to happen when he got the ball, I don't really think he did either! I'm pretty sure our record buy at the time 100k from Burnley I think. (The fee that is I know he was from Burnley) .

45.) 26 Sep 2020 16:13:05
Steve Kindon stories: one match and he was sub. Ball went out for a Wolves throw on opposite side to the bench. Opportunity to Kindon on. With his normal enthusiasm he started running across the pitch to take up his left wing position. From about half way across he started shouting for the ball and pointing to his chest. As he got nearer the far touch line, the throw in was taken straight to Kindon’s chest. It was spot on, hit his chest and rebounded with speed about six foot above the head of the thrower, for a throw in to the opposition.
His first game against Wolves after he returned to Burnley from ourselves saw him star in a Burnley victory. In his post match interview, he was asked about leaving and then returning to Burnley. He replied that when originally at Burnley as a young player, his doctor advised that he take a break from football; so he came to Wolves for a few years!

46.) 26 Sep 2020 18:52:12
Ecosse, typical of him. Became a very good after dinner speaker. I lived in Warrington for many years where he's from. Lots of great stories about him from people who knew him. Not a bad Rugby League player either when he was young. Hardly surprising he was built like a brick outhouse!




baza's banter posts with other poster's replies to baza's banter posts


18 Jul 2024 16:03:50
A big thank you to Anna Price for her loyalty and commitment to wolves, that what you call a player.


1.) 19 Jul 2024 07:46:39
Well said Baza.Great servant to the club.

2.) 19 Jul 2024 16:46:47
Wish we could afford £80 mill
For neketia, nelson, and smith Rowe

3.) 19 Jul 2024 18:00:54
Offer them Neto plus £20m?

4.) 19 Jul 2024 18:44:27
£80 for them 3. Are you having a laugh?

What are they valued at individually?

£30m for all 3 maybe, but £80m. Get out of town.

5.) 19 Jul 2024 23:03:52
Grey I am not sure if are you being serious?
If they joined our current squad I don't see any of them making the first team and thus obviously are worth nothing like £80m?
Smith Rowe whilst extremely promising 3 years ago has barely played over the last two years and seems to have lost his way and Nelson similarly is in his mid 20s has also barely played in the Prem and produces modest results when he does. Eddie N on the other is I accept a genuine prospect (although also in his mid 20s!) and worth looking at but he is not in the same bracket as Neto (or Cunha) who is a game changer at Prem league level now.
Whilst I wouldn't willingly do the deal if Neto was forcing the move to Arseanl and this was the "only offer" I would want £30m, £40m or even £50m plus the 3 for Neto. I also fear that their wages would be stupidly high for squad players!
Neto surely should be viewed in line with the other top players in the Prem as, (other than ironically at Arsenal were Saka probably would hold him put of the team and at Liverpool where Salah at least for the next season or so would as well), he would not just walk into the first 11s of most sides he would be amongst their better players, (might be best at Spurs and in arguement at Man U and Chelsea)
Is he not a class above Anthony or Mudryk or Grealish or Richarlison etc etc?

6.) 20 Jul 2024 07:54:35
Fair comments. Let's see what they are sold for, if they leave,

7.) 23 Jul 2024 10:13:16
so its ok what jeff shi said about our club did you see him at Irish club I did trying to add bits on bloody wide boy

8.) 23 Jul 2024 12:39:31
they all have to ask moxshi for ok to buy



12 Nov 2023 15:06:00
Looking forward to listening to all the vloggers eating a bit of humble pie regarding Sarabia, just needed some time and a chance.


1.) 13 Nov 2023 02:55:45
He's very talented but we also thought he'd turned the corner after his audacious appearance in the cup.and then normal service resumed again.

But I'd love nothing more than to see him finally come good now. His numbers in Spain and Portugal don't lie, he could be the real deal if GON can get the best from him.

2.) 14 Nov 2023 09:35:13
Hi baza Lupii, I agree he's obviously a quality player, when he cut through the middle of Spurs he reminded me of Jota!and the finish was fantastic, If GON can work his magic on him and get him performing consistently could be a top player for us.



04 Nov 2023 17:02:46
Get rid of Silva not good enough for Wolves




01 Oct 2023 10:28:33
Well done to Gary ONeil and the players for an outstanding win and also the fans were great aswell., one pack wins again.




24 Sep 2023 08:59:40
So Lineker Mike Dean said it should not have been a penalty the same has most fair minded people, but surprise surprise Gobby Aggro bore did think it was a penalty.


1.) 24 Sep 2023 10:17:52
Baza, but that's what you get for someone knowing brain dead and not actually knowing the penalty rule. Bit like yesterdays ref
Oh if you ever should have the misfortune of speaking to Aggro ask where Everest is? According to him its in the Alps!

2.) 24 Sep 2023 12:09:48
Gabby Agbonlapoor is the worst pundit of all. Deep down he knows it wasn't a penalty but because he hates us so much, he could never be seen to defend us. I think Talksport only employ him to ridicule him.

3.) 24 Sep 2023 13:36:11
Gabby was a rubbish footballer and he is a even worse pundit, I refuse to listen to talksport whilst he is employed by them.

4.) 24 Sep 2023 13:46:22
Bobby Gabby is as thick as two short planks. He obviously didn’t have the Talk Sport brain cell yesterday.
Going back to the game— that is two massive penalty decisions that have gone against us and we are only 6 games in. By my calculations those two penalty calls have potentially cost us 3 points — the difference between staying up and relegation.
Just goes to show that most PL referees are at best incompetent and at worst corrupt

5.) 24 Sep 2023 14:38:17
Sorry— typo error in above message— meant to say Gobby Gabby!
Doesn’t matter how you spell it — he is thick just like O’Hara. If brains were taxable both of them would get a massive rebate from HMRC

6.) 24 Sep 2023 19:02:07
Talksport have the agenda of stirring up football fans to get responses for them to ring in.
That's why they employ controversial pundits like Gabby Agbonahor.
And it's surely working winding up you guys on here.
I take no notice as the station is crap and not my thing.

Regarding our performance not good enough clearly.
The var/ref wrong again which can't be said didn't cost us but there other things which could be exactly the same.
Our player sent off his fault no one else's.no excuses for him by anyone or anything you can't kick out like that.
Our performance should of got us the 3 points especially with the importance of it.

Not happy like all with yesterday.

Last I looked Newcastle 7 nil up they scored more goals in today's one match than we have all season 6 games.

Up to GON to get his players firing.
4 games to turn it around before I judge our season.




baza's rumour replies


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18 Jul 2024 09:29:41
Do not believe everything you read.




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12 Jun 2024 20:58:03
Sorry should read a good one.




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12 Jun 2024 20:57:22
Looks like he could be a goon one.




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10 Jun 2024 10:16:02
Sounds like we may have a good one, let's hope for a few more.




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23 May 2024 09:33:24
Sounds like a winner





baza's banter replies


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24 Jul 2024 08:42:56
Do not forget the bikini clad waitresses to fetch your pie and your pint.




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06 Jul 2024 08:35:44
I think we may have already spent some of it on our four signings so far.




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30 Jun 2024 19:45:40
Very lucky to win let hope Southgate learns from this.




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23 Jun 2024 09:59:31
I trust Hobbs/GON but I do not trust Shi who has the final decision.




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18 Jun 2024 10:28:00
Big difference paying £35 million for Silva and paying £12.5 for Lima, I think he will do well at Wolves and go on to make a name for himself.




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