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Derry's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Derry's rumours posts


26 Apr 2024 12:00:06
Reported that the club have tabled a bid of £12M for Osayi Samuel.


1.) 26 Apr 2024 13:30:33
Certainly would fill a position I believe we need to upgrade.



27 Dec 2023 09:11:02
Mohamod Amoura is currently being touted by various football press outlets as a player of interest for Wolves. Had a quick look and I like what I see, reminds me of Jota. Let's hope we can pay the £10M transfer fee.


1.) 30 Dec 2023 09:50:52
Not a striker. 5’6”” and everything I have seen is him cutting in off the wing. Victoria Plitzen centre forward has opted for Eintracht So that is one less option. Guirassy is being scouted by Manchester United and is probably too expensive. Given our budget constraints it is either a loan or someone nearing their contract end: Che Adams. Not convinced that he is what we need.



28 Aug 2023 13:17:33
Apparently Wolves have submitted a bid of 15M for Bellegarde, Strasborg midfielder. Nunes replacement?


1.) 28 Aug 2023 15:25:25
Yeah other clubs in for him as well though. If we could get him, Elvadi and another but at midday City hadn't put in another bid according to E&S.

2.) 28 Aug 2023 16:27:33
Amongst many, Fabrizio Romano saying City have him and he wants to go (no surprise).
Nunes was an odd signing, as from Day 1 the rumours were that he had agreed to join us for one season only and would move on to a Top 6 side this year.
Sadly we didn't see the best of him, only the occasional glimpse. I am sure he will flourish at City.
Just hope the Invisible Man gets a decent price and also first refusal on a loan agreement for James McAtee (City will not sell, they rate him).
We are also linked with Kelechi Iheanacho, not a bad possibility.
Time to start running Wolves properly Mr Shi!

3.) 28 Aug 2023 16:35:19
Rumours starting to emerge that Nunes refusing to train and demanding a move!




Derry's banter posts with other poster's replies to Derry's banter posts


14 Jul 2024 09:24:57
Quite exciting seeing these new players being brought in but all foreign so far. Where do we stand in regards to home grown players?


1.) 23 Jul 2024 10:54:45
who is anna price only know male players



25 Jun 2024 09:01:21
If Man U come looking to take an interest in some of our squad should we be looking at Mason Greenwood in a part exchange deal?


1.) 25 Jun 2024 09:17:24
Not for me Derry. If they do show serious interest then we should get top dollar and reinvest in players without that level of baggage.

2.) 25 Jun 2024 09:21:34
No. He averages a goal every 3.5 games which is only just better than Che Adams who none of our fans want.

3.) 25 Jun 2024 09:42:37
Lord help me, how many times are we going to have to have the same conversation on here! No, just no I can't even be bothered to point out how disgusting and ignorant the suggestion is anymore! Give your head a wobble for writing that name on this page! ?

4.) 25 Jun 2024 09:59:16
Spot on Bullys. He fails the character test.

5.) 25 Jun 2024 10:20:42
Arsenal.planning43mil swoop for neto.surely way too low.injury prone or not!

6.) 25 Jun 2024 10:52:53
It's a tricky one Bux, cause fully fit he's worth £60-80m. However, he's not been fully fit for a full season for about four years now and some of those injuries have been bad! Personally I wouldn't sell him, cause I think without him we could be in real trouble (he was most of our assists last season). One of those classic cases where his values FAR higher for our sqaud than any bidding teams. Unfortunately we don't know what's been said, as I wouldn't be surprised if we'd agreed with the player to let him go if x amount comes in! His contract runs till 2027 so at least we have given ourselves a bit of room to negotiate if nothing else ?

7.) 25 Jun 2024 11:03:54
If Neto stays, I hope he remains injury free and doubles his value to at least £100m next year.

If he leaves for the reported £43m, I hope he has an injury blighted season.

8.) 25 Jun 2024 11:08:52
Wobble wobble

9.) 25 Jun 2024 12:49:23
Wandering Star, you shouldn't wish that on him if he should go. Best of luck I say.

10.) 25 Jun 2024 13:53:03
Agreed Belfast, Pedros only ever given his best for the club and (at time of writing) never tried to force our hand (like some others). I wish the guy nothing but success eitherway, without him we probs wouldn't even still be in the Prem so seems unnecessary to wish him ill just because the club needs money?!

11.) 25 Jun 2024 14:10:02
Without Podence we might not still be in the prem but some fans were quick to turn on him, it is sad how some of our fanbase act, ok Podence was a twonk at times but he created and knew how to get under the skin of opposing players.
Sadly I think the same fans will turn on Neto too.
Look how some of them are with Killman he gives his all ok he might not be the best defender but he gives his all yet some of our fanbase are vile towards him.
Just to point out it is no one on here it is what i've seen on X.

12.) 25 Jun 2024 14:11:09
I'm joking.

13.) 25 Jun 2024 14:39:34
Fair enough Wandering, in fairness it's still less offensive than what Derry said earlier! Least he's given his head a wobble since! ?☝️



05 Jun 2024 13:57:49
There is no doubt that somewhere in the club there is a shortlist of players we have an interest in. Budgets will have been agreed, including the possibility of funds raised from potential sales, and negotiations with those players/agents will probably already be underway. We all know the positions that require reinforcement so just another waiting game for us fans to see who walks through the door. Fun times, even if it does test our patience.


1.) 05 Jun 2024 15:09:58
Transfer window opens 12th June. Can't wait.



26 Apr 2024 12:05:11
Perhaps the way forward regarding VAR would be to create a petition for presentation to the FA and also the government, I'm sure that the majority of club supporters would get behind it which could give us hundreds of thousands signatures which could surely not go unheeded.
Power to the people once more.


1.) 26 Apr 2024 13:34:19
I think Derry, the issue is the 'not fit for purpose' operators.
I would keep the technology and replace the current incumbents with better quality, better trained personnel.

2.) 26 Apr 2024 17:14:23
Problem is Rugeley those personnel don't exist! People make out that VAR doesn't work because of poorly trained refs/cutting corners/cheap recruitment etc. Nothing could be further from the truth, we have one of the most comprehensive systems for training refs and we (almost certainly) have some of the best paid officials in the world of footy! Sorry but it's just not that simple. And it's also not corruption maybe unintentional bias at most!
I've got to be honest I've actually come to the point were I now think VAR just doesn't work for footy, that simple! We tried it and it wasn't to be. I would keep the goal line stuff and maybe this automated Offside (depending on how well it seems to work). As for the rest let's just go back to what we know works! Yes there will be some goals that shouldn't have counted and some bad decisions along the way but at least it will still be FOOTBALL! When a goal goes in I want to celebrate it again, not sit there like I'm waiting for a call from my doctor to hear if the news is good or bad!?
I increasingly dislike the sport I once loved cause I just don't recognise it anymore and I don't think I'm alone there? ??

3.) 26 Apr 2024 19:18:03
Love the doctor analagy, Bully's. For me, a major issue is that when ref's are called over to the monitor they always seem to change their original decision.I'd love to see the percentage stats but they always seem to bottle it when called over. Surely that's not how it should be because the vast majority of the decisions are subjective.

Maybe in the region of 60% or so would be reasonable but it seems to be very close to 100%.We therefore all know what's going to happen, the pantomime dame draws the imaginary television screen and we're stuffed yet again!

4.) 26 Apr 2024 19:29:22
I'm 100% with you bully's, as you say there'd still be the odd poor decision, always will be regardless, and maybe a 'free' lunch offered under some circumstances but at least we'd know at the time, enjoy the game and argue the toss in the pub, which for me was part of the whole experience.

Let offside be offside again not a toe or kneecap but when a player gets a definite advantage. I honestly believe that VAR is making refs poorer in that they don't apply the same levels of thought to their decisions because they've somebody to 'correct' them. (Ie. Totis goal at Liverpoolin cup wasn't given because nobody could decide due to lack of camera).

But yes it's getting increasingly sole destroying to see wonderful goals chalked off for minor indiscretions. Thinking as we did the other night that we'd equalised twice, on both occasion I couldn't celebrate for expecting VAR to find something.

5.) 26 Apr 2024 22:48:08
I agree with all the above I have just watched the QPR Leeds game and it was a pleasure to watch a game of football that wasn’t spoiled by very average referees (var) the 3rd goal would have been disallowed for a push on the defender before he jumped for the header but nobody said a word and just got on with it. That to me is what we should be watching not the pantomime we get in the prem

6.) 27 Apr 2024 10:56:48
My thoughts were always VAR in football would never work like in rugby as football always has to flow not this stop start stop start.

But its here and have no choice up to know and almost will never ever change.

I accept the rules are rules but hard to accept when VAR decisions are wrong agaisnt us.



02 Sep 2023 08:04:42
Phew, the window has closed and I think we have done quite well although time will tell how well.
Over to the manager now to introduce them to the squad and work out how to get the best out of each of them.
A stronger squad now that Nunes has gone and I am looking forward to seeing these new players out on the pitch at Molineux.


1.) 02 Sep 2023 09:51:20
Couldn't agree more with WolvesNutta below. It's been an excellent window. Ironically the striker we missed out on, Adams, would have been the least aspirational signing, compared to who we have signed. What you see is what you get with Adams, he's at his peak now. One rumour is that he had to extend his contract at Southampton before they would loan him to us, but contract negotiations broke down, putting the block on his move.

Some fans thought that the Nunes money wouldn't have been spent but they were wrong. With the block on the Adams signing we still have some powder dry for the next window.

2.) 02 Sep 2023 14:32:04
Good thread below re Nutta's post. I believe what infuriates on here is negativity just because of change. The club has been through a difficult time, and the owners have tried to address that. We have lost good players, some because of career timing, and one because his head was turned, some not a good fit. That happens in football, but we have some solid new players, and an existing squad that has talent. With a bit of luck, hard graft and our support the manager might just get a tune out of this group. Lots to look forward to, and give support to




Derry's rumour replies


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04 Jul 2024 15:07:23
He has been a good club member but everyone moves on and 40M is a spectacular price. Let's hope that it is wisely spent.




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27 Jun 2024 18:40:04
Should we be excited? Wolves do seem to their homework regarding player purchases theae days and I expect Hobbs and co have run the rule over him for quite a while so yes let's get excited.




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21 Jun 2024 19:50:31
Liverpool and Chelsea seemingly after RAN.
Would rather keep RAN and let Kilman go.




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21 Jun 2024 11:02:24
If nothing else he has been able to be with his older brother following a family bereavement which was no bad thing. Good luck to the lad.




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17 Jun 2024 19:11:12
Docs position may be under threat now.





Derry's banter replies


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17 Jul 2024 11:23:49
I don't think for one minute that Hwang would have taken offence if it was something flippant and non racist. The fact that he did suggests it was something that should be addressed.




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06 Jul 2024 12:37:15
I'm not quite sure what you are saying 123 but the way I see it is that we have currently spent about 40M on incoming transfers and received 40M for outgoings. So in very simple terms GON should still have a sum of money available to him, particularly so because Larsen is currently on a loan agreement.
I fully expect several more incoming players.




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01 Jul 2024 09:33:26
The difference is Preston that GON is with his players every day, week in week out. Southgate has his players for a matter of days.




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25 Jun 2024 11:08:52
Wobble wobble




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17 Jun 2024 19:10:07
That should have been Cunha would be happy.




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