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24 Jul 2022 22:18:27
Wondered if anyone else like me is concerned that we always seem to loan out players before we have a ready replacement, or to get someone in very soon after players have gone. We did it a few years ago before Jiminez got injured, and just got away with it. The same thing seems to be happening again, noticeable now Silva has gone and now that Jiminez is injured. Just seems to me the sensible approach would be to get someone in before we release players. Am I wrong or missing the point somewhere?
Just looks like other teams are benefitting from what I perceive to be a poor transfer strategy.
1.) 25 Jul 2022 06:21:25
I must admit STH I've been thinking the same thing. I can only suppose that replacement deals are done and just waiting for our loanees costs (wages, etc) to be off our books, so to speak.
To do what you say is either reckless or the club must be 100 percent confident in landing their targets. We can only hope that those deals are already done which is why the rumours you hear never turn out to be true.
2.) 25 Jul 2022 07:05:16
We play Sporting in our final pre season game this Saturday.
Matheus Nunes plays for Sporting.?
07 Aug 2022 20:01:03
I have seen little about the injury to Moutinho, does anyone know what's happened to him? thanks
05 Aug 2022 09:45:23
Druid,not sure if I'm reading your post right, are you saying on one hand we were lucky and got exposed last season, and on the other be grateful with 'your slice,' ie grateful for what we have got? Yes we are all grateful for where were are now but we faded so badly it was difficult to accept given the position we were in. As supporters we pay good money and have the right to complain or comment, football is about progression and evolving, if you don't then you get left behind. I genuinely don't understand those that hold on to 'look how far we've come', or 'where we were some years ago' etc, that I'm afraid does not keep you in this league, one way to progress and not stand still is to refresh players and staff, and to examine, explore decision making and yes to voice opinions, that does not make everyone a moaner.
29 Jul 2022 14:17:12
Could really do with him now! we have the same midfield now as we did when we supposidly went after him before, and Moutinho will probably only last another season so what has changed? would be great for the future of the midfield, costing a lot less than what we were after him for (doesn't that seem to be the case with us?)
22 Jul 2022 09:53:07
Seemed so specific and confident that Barbosa is the new centre foreward who should have signed by yesterday at the latest and announced. appears to be another load of dreamed up nonsense. I'm all for rumours and sharing them etc but let's not get like journo's and tele pundits just making stuff up, because in the end they're not rumours.
{Ed002's Note - Barbosa is already in talks with Newcastle.}
12 Jul 2022 09:28:54
Thommo, this will be my last comment on this subject as I think we are in different places with it, which is fine I don't have a problem with the difference of opinion. You have just posted that "I never said we had signed 2 players" however on 4/7 you posted and I quote "Hopefully we will announce the 2 signings that were sorted last week very soon." So clearly you did, will therefore let others draw their on conclusions. Anyway I have made my point and will say no more on this particular subject. ps my blood pressure is fine, your posts make me smile which brings it down a bit :)
06 Aug 2022 17:32:14
Can anyone answer me why we have two strikers that were are paying good money in salaries, Cutrone and Bonatini, can't at least make the bench? I appreciate they didn't go on pre season but not to have them available just beggars belief. Could at least be an option to allow us to make more than the 1 change as Debbie mantions.
01 Aug 2022 12:30:13
Given where we are with strikers I think its a no brainer to be honest, will lose nothing by putting him on the bench, you never know may come on and change a game, was clearly well thought of some years ago, a scuffed goal or assist may help his confidence.
31 Jul 2022 12:21:05
I am in the Steve Bull got my SB scarf so yes looks like it
29 Jul 2022 14:38:23
I think a lot of this comes down to communication, supporters from every club invest considerable time and money to support their team in whatever manner they choose, and in return they expect to know what is happening, what direction it is going which generates discussions like these. At the moment that is considerably lacking, if we all knew a bit more, to be informed by the club, even a statement of sorts, we may not like what we are told but at least we would know and then adjust our concerns, thoughts, criticisms etc accordingly.
I don't know if that's how things are done in China, those at the top keeping those at the bottom in the dark, only giving out information when they want?
27 Jul 2022 16:20:20
I am right in saying that with the nine! Yes nine injuries that means as of today we have no fit strikers at all? Some may be light hearted about it but I think that really is a disgrace, it’s shocking and a shambles, if we’re genuine about a top 8 finish then this is no way to run a club, particularly when Shi has said the money is there.