11 Jul 2016 15:31:49
Jim what's your predicted time frame.

1.) 11 Jul 2016
11 Jul 2016 17:08:24
I was going to guess tomorrow, assuming the 12th would be a luckier day than 13th in Chinese culture. But apparently not, because while 12 is symbolic of cosmic order - space and time (12 months of the yr, Chinese zodiac etc) , 13 is a super lucky and maybe appropriate number for them, because in Chinese it rhymes with the word for Arise, which means Life Essence, perfect for embarking on a new venture.

Meanwhile, 14 is apparently very bad, as it rhymes with their word meaning "I want to die"! Maybe if Robin Li had been buying the Baggies, but no good here. While the number 15 means the magic square, which is apparently highly significant.

So based on totally amateur Chinese mysticism, I reckon it's likely to be Wednesday 13th or Friday 15th. But then apparently there's a whole load of days in the Chinese calendar that are either auspicious (lucky) or inauspicious (unlucky) , who knows if any days this week are those? To be certain, we might even need to guess and factor in Moxey's spirit animal (which could be open to much interpretation) !

2.) 11 Jul 2016
11 Jul 2016 17:27:37
Ulf the Chinese are as superstitious as any body but don't need special dates or numbers to make a sale or purchase . They are professional business people not mystic Meg's. Many will find your above assessment as disrespectful to them . The only numbers that come in to it are the price.

3.) 11 Jul 2016
11 Jul 2016 17:40:19
My girlfriend's cat is psychic. I call her Mystic Mog. The cat, not the girlfriend.

Mystic Mog observes that takeover documents were lodged with the FA on Friday 8th July. By chance that's a lucky number. If the big announcement comes on Wednesday 13th, that's another lucky number. By chance again?

Robin Li might yet utter the words "I want to die" especially if we lose to at Preston Better than putting the club up for sale I guess!

4.) 11 Jul 2016
11 Jul 2016 17:48:52
I know, but it's more fun than waiting with nothing happening :-)

And if they intend to announce it in China as big news (who knows, it could be, this is potentially a thing in the Chinese scheme of things considering their Prime Minister / Leader said to their business leaders they needed to get into European football) , for all we know enough of them might be conscious enough of it for it to affect how positively it's view, at least if the day is really significant in their beliefs.

I bet Wednesday 13th, its meaning of Arise is too good :-)

5.) 11 Jul 2016
11 Jul 2016 18:22:46
Look, ironically I am a psychic, but I am telling you that the date means absolutely nothing, prime or even numbers, wolf or snake. I study symbols but am telling you that the date means nothing. Just announce it - it's not difficult!

6.) 11 Jul 2016
11 Jul 2016 18:29:52
Any specific day for announcement mentioned Jim?

7.) 11 Jul 2016
11 Jul 2016 18:54:01
And regarding it being potentially seen as disrespectful, I genuinely hope not, it's all pukka information off proper Chinese mystical / culture sites and although lighthearted I've not ridiculed it. I have Gypsy ancestors so I do respect other peoples beliefs and traditions, even mystical / superstitious ones. I actually really like that they have mystical beliefs and traditions, gives them depth.

And the dates were apparently a very big thing in them wanting their Olympics on the dates it happened, and I've read they'll pay lots of money for lucky car number plates, so even if I'm wrong in thinking their culture could be partly influenced by it, it's an innocent well natured misunderstanding :-)

8.) 11 Jul 2016
11 Jul 2016 18:58:06
Isn't 8 the lucky number in China?