21 Jan 2025 07:06:23
Anyone feeling optimistic this morning?

1.) 21 Jan 2025
21 Jan 2025 07:39:00
Hi Wandering, only in the sense that I've only got another month or two before I get the bike out.

I've been a fan of both Wolves and Motorcycles for about the same length of time and it's unlikely that I would ever want to give up either. One happens mainly in the Winter, the other, predominantly the Summer so they rarely clash. However, I have been getting more pleasure out of one of them than the other in recent years.

Both carry some risk, both can deliver immense pleasure, an adrenalin rush and disappointment. Both can get you out and about around the country, allow you to meet others with a common cause and depending on your approach can potentially get you into a few scrapes along the way.

So, just for fun, here's the case for motorcycles.

As the owner you can spend as much as you like on your motorcycle.
A motorcycle rarely promises more than it can deliver.
Motorcycles normally perform consistently.
A motorcycle doesn't mind being kicked.
A motorcycle doesn't need training or practice before each ride.
You don't need to wait until the weekend to ride your motorcycle.
Motorcycles unlike some fans are always noisy.
Motorcyclists rarely have to answer stupid questions after every ride. (unless they get pulled up by the old bill)
Motorcycles don't berate you for being a bad rider.
Motorcycles don't care if you like other motorcycles.
Motorcycles don't get emotional or sulk.
Motorcycles don't cheat.
If you drop your motorcycle it doesn't have a tantrum.
You can change your motorcycle without being branded a traitor.
If you have a moan about your motorcycle forum contributors don't jump on you, lol.

Perhaps someone can suggest the case for football to help keep me motivated with that as well, any takers?

2.) 21 Jan 2025
21 Jan 2025 08:00:43
Not really Wandering.but didn't expect to if I'm honest!

3.) 21 Jan 2025
21 Jan 2025 08:11:04
When you consider that Matt Doherty was one of our better players. And he displayed more fight than many others then we have a big problem.
Why start with Sarabia and leave Rodrigo Gomes on the bench - makes no sense? Cuhna has had his head turned by a big money move, Ait Nori is not a defender, etc.
Even Vitor looked exasperated in his post match interview.
Fosun you really need to support this club properly because we are going down this season as things stand. Shameful!

4.) 21 Jan 2025
21 Jan 2025 09:57:44
I always hold hope wandering but last night's showing displayed more than a shambles on the pitch. The club (fosun) as taken a golden chance to deliver on their promises, and allowed it to fall in the most ignominious of fashion. The arguments over investments, recruitment etc ffp covid have all been made, we've been offered glib words of wolves not being a team to support if we wanted to win anything and resigned ourselves to a midtable prem existence. Now however it seems we're to sink into relegation. I say sink because no ones prepared to fight or throw us a life line. No one, it seems, wants to dive in to rescue us. The players last night were lacklustre slow and disinterested, at least until the arrival of ricardo guedes and bellegarde. RAN was truly awful, cunha I think will be away soon. Agbadu must be wondering what he's joined, but at least he showed effort. Doc, whilst not doubting his commitment, isn't comfortable inthe role being asked of him. Gomez and Andre need a hand. We need a winger to assist our outlets, Forbes?. The whole picture is a mishmash and I'm afraid so is our future.
We need a CB, but don't use the ones we've bought in to cover in anyway. We finally got an out and out front man and rarely play to his strength.
The incessant playing out from the back which rarely does. The turning back on the ball, the across the edge of the box passes with lack of shots, it's all the same in a cycle.
I had hopes after Leicester, I held hopes for last night. I hope things will change, that new recruits will arrive but I'm not optimistic.
My gut feeling remains that fosun will cash in, (watch activities with cunha gomez RAN Sa), and leave us in the championship when hopefully (again) someone will buy us with the clubs success at heart.

5.) 21 Jan 2025
21 Jan 2025 12:04:30
What a pickle we find ourselves in! Since the start of this season myself and a few other posters (Long and Future to name but two) have said we have a BIG problem within this club and in that time we have been consistently told/mocked (by a few on here) that we are wrong and that it was a manager problem, namely GON! In fact so much so that after Vitors second game in change OOTDCL reposted one of my posts to mock me and tell me how wrong I was! Haha, that post hasn't aged well has it, I notice he hasn't posted since which is equally funny! ?
So what's the problem then gents, cause it WAS Gary but now he's gone and as I said at the time surely it's now the next managers fault no?! Where have all the posters gone that kept telling me this is a top half of the table squad without Gary in charge?! Or that the 'set piece issue' was just a coaching problem rather than also personnel?! As I said back then (and consistently since) the problem is we have a mid table Championship defence (at best)!
Despite how the above reads this isn't just an 'I informed you thusly' (little Big Bang reference there:). It's more of a 'can you now see what we've been seeing/saying for a good while now'?
As I KEPT saying any team that finishes 14th then sells two of its best players is going to struggle and as usual it sucks to be right! Despite all this doom and gloom I still think we can pull clear, but it's going to take some SERIOUS magic in both the transfer market (Agbadou is a good start:) and training ground from Vitor! Let's hope he's up to the challenge cause whatever peeps think this manager really is our last chance at survival! Over to you Vitor! COYW

6.) 21 Jan 2025
21 Jan 2025 12:50:47
I wish I had your confidence Bully. I just look at the public spats with players and the body language of some of the team. It doesn't bode well.

7.) 21 Jan 2025
21 Jan 2025 13:24:18
The only difference I can see is that under VP we are more attacking and not looking to pass the backwards all the time. However, the defence is still poor. It has not improved under VP so it must be the players either not trying, not wanting to play under VP or they simply aren't good enough. If 2 sets of coaches have tried and seen no difference, it clearly must be the latter.

8.) 21 Jan 2025
21 Jan 2025 14:20:38
Bully's, I disagreed with you, but I was obviously wrong. Earlier in the season, I stated that we would finish closer to a European place than relegation. What was I on?

9.) 21 Jan 2025
21 Jan 2025 16:11:30
Haha, no worries Lost buddy no one can knock your optimism! The thing is (as I've said before) I even understand the optimism as I think we do have a decent attack and a good midfield, sadly though none of that is enough to counter what is a woeful defence! Fair play to you though for being honest, like I say though I would MUCH rather be wrong than watch this current mess! Hopefully three teams will limbo under us this season and who knows maybe next season we will be nearer to Europe! ? COYW ?

10.) 21 Jan 2025
21 Jan 2025 19:56:51
Cheers Bullys.