15 Aug 2024 13:13:26
Seen a rumour from greek media that Podence is likely on his way to Olympiakos permanently for approximately £6 million. If he is sold we have made about £100 million in sales and only used £30 million, I would love to know if GON has access to them funds as I feel we need to make a marque signing for the season hopefully a CB to be honest.
1.) 15 Aug 2024
15 Aug 2024 14:01:56
Remember we have Annual Running Costs of -£50million
2.) 15 Aug 2024
15 Aug 2024 14:38:29
I thought we wanted 10mil ish for podence? He was there key man last season and we should hold out for more or put a good sell on clause in the contract
3.) 15 Aug 2024
15 Aug 2024 15:50:44
Agreed CB73.I would think he's worth more to us if he stays to be honest.I like him
4.) 15 Aug 2024
15 Aug 2024 17:01:52
And Wobaston wolf last year accounts stated liabilities totalling 578 million pounds. "Become a football millionaire - step one start out as a billionaire."
5.) 15 Aug 2024
15 Aug 2024 18:54:16
PeteD Absolutely, Fosun are an Investment Company and have spent millions in their time here, they will want their money back. Millions are owed and the club runs at a loss. The only way forward is to reduce running costs and the debt owed. Producing our own shirts and catering/shop staff being employed under subsidiary companies will help, but the main source of income has to be buying young upcoming talent and selling them when they peak.
It hurts of course, but the wellbeing and stability of the club has to come first.
6.) 15 Aug 2024
15 Aug 2024 18:55:01
Wobaston Wolf thatcomes out if the 150mill we got TV rights.
7.) 15 Aug 2024
15 Aug 2024 19:42:34
Wobaston - they of course could simply buy a lottery ticket each week?
Sadly the idea that, over any sort of extended period, you can just buy players cheap and sell them expensively is no different to relying on alchemy or thinking you can invent the perpetual motion machine!
It just is not possible! No one has ever done it succesfully over any sort of extened period and to think you can is not a business plan but a fairy tale!
How about running the club well - as you suggest reduce costs but also how about growing revenues.
Indeed I would suggest that a lot of our financial troubles have actually come about as a result of a belief in this flawed plan. We have sold the seam of good players, Thelwell, Dalrymplre and Nuno found in those first few years for very good money. However this has lead to us not winning as many matches and dropping down the league, sharply hindering revenue growth. (Note the ony way to truly make money in the long term is to win games). But in the 4 years since Seville we have only bought Gomes and RAN (although he was a Nuno man) that could currently be profitably flipped plus an awful lot of players we not just haven't made money but have actually lost lots and lots and lots of money on!
In other words we are definitive proof that what we are claiming is possible isnt!
8.) 15 Aug 2024
15 Aug 2024 20:35:09
TFIOG I agree with you completely, the last three years or so have been terribly mismanaged, spending silly amounts on players that were unproven and wages that our income can't support are just a few examples.
I do think however the last year has seen a marked improvement in not only team morale, but also. scouting, in shirts and training wear overheads, staff costs and catering being subcontracted, hopefully that will continue.
Also the teams in European Competitions will always have a financial advantage due to them having different Financial spending restrictions.
I do have good feelings about Rodrigo Gomes, Lima and Strand Larsen though, so fingers crossed for the new season and let's prove some doubters wrong ?
9.) 15 Aug 2024
15 Aug 2024 22:36:22
Y don't you just bring moxey back then.
10.) 16 Aug 2024
16 Aug 2024 11:38:33
I assume you haven't read the accounts of his period in charge?
Over the last few years of his managment we lost absolutely vast amounts.
Mainly due to the club losing lots and lots of games!
The only way to make money is to win games and that requires you to build a team!
This allows you to drive revenues and diminishes the need to be too careful on costs.
Yes this probably does require either a ton of luck in your early days or a vast, ( now illegal), spend a la Chelsea and City.
Ironically however by 2020, when admittedly we had made a reasonable spend - pennies compared however to most of our rivals - we had enjoyed that ton of luck, (although I am minded to think that the more talent you have the luckier you tend to be and we had 3 v talented chaps in Thelwell, Dalrymple and Nuno)and we were winning lots of games and were also making substantial profits over £9m pa pre player sales in both 2019 and 2020 (ex Covid)!
That is what we need to bring back!
11.) 16 Aug 2024
16 Aug 2024 13:26:17
Nuno got disillusioned as he was stuck in England and couldn't see his wife and kids who were in Portugal.
Thelwell moved on to better things. He has been at Everton since Feb 2022. I wonder how their finances are.
Darylmple was removed from post as he was up to no good (rumours were that he was placed on gardening leave whilst they decided whether to let him walk of his own accord or whether he was to be arrested for defrauding the club)
12.) 16 Aug 2024
16 Aug 2024 15:37:38
Nuno moved to Spurs and is now at Forest? Odd if he wanted to be in Portugal?
Everton's finances when he arrived there were a basket case but have stablilised, ironically at roughly the level ours - we were making profits before he left - have now fallen to!
Note since his arrival there they are also well over £100m up in the transfer market and have gone from being substantially below us in the league to having a better record than us last season.
Don't think he will be too ashamed of that performance.
Obviously can't comment on Dalrymple's behaviour at Wolves but he went straight to Quins where he remains.
Since arriving there they have done v well but we sadly since he left - well you know the story?
Not sure why you defend a change in the management structure that coincided with us going from winning games and making money to loosing games and money?
13.) 16 Aug 2024
16 Aug 2024 16:53:30
Absolutely spot on (as usual:) TFOG! Couldn't have said it better myself, these myths that have been created for our cost cutting are honestly just as laughable as they are shameful to be honest!
Especially when talking about Thelwell, Darymple and Phil Hayward being moved on, the loss of which literally set us back years!
These blatant lies/slander about Darymple really do have to stop as well, they are founded on absolutely nothing other than bitterness and sour grapes! I've read before that he 'defrauded the club' with LITERALLY no proof of such a thing, that's just wrong and NEEDS to stop! He went straight into his role at Quins and I suspect that's why the club reacted badly (he was clearly poached) but that's not the same as the fairly dark rumours that appear on here about him! Does ANYONE honestly believe Quins would have poached him if there was even a suggestion of fraud?! C'mon grow up guys!
Just to clear up any doubt this was his words on it a couple of years later:
"There’s nothing sinister around it. Rugby’s a huge love for me and I’d been a huge supporter of Harlequins. When you’re working in an environment like that and certain opportunities come along, there are one or two you know would pique your interest. Harlequins was one of those I knew would be a fascinating opportunity should it come along'
Basically we stood still and made those roles redundant so they all got new jobs elsewhere end of story, like TFOG said! Also worth noting that all three were snapped up straight away while the club gave all three jobs to Jeff! Despite the fact he wasn't up to one of the roles let alone ALL three! Saddly we've pretty much been in decline ever since those decisions were made!
14.) 16 Aug 2024
16 Aug 2024 17:44:03
Nuno may have gone to Spurs and now Fores5 as you say TFIOG but during the Covid hit season, he wasn't allowed to travel home. This is when he became disillusioned as he used to travel back to Portugal every week but couldn't during the pandemic. He even did an interview about it when he joined Spurs.
Bullysboy, you may be right about Darylmple but that was the rumour at the time.
15.) 17 Aug 2024
17 Aug 2024 00:06:51
That's fair enough Wandering and that wasn't just aimed at you (as I've read that tripe on here many times:). But it just seems a bit wrong to me for us wolves fans to shout fraud when there's no evidence for even an investigation much less any ACTUAL wrong doing!
I suspect with all three of those mentioned (above) their leaving had nothing to do with any of the myths, it was just good old fashioned cost cutting and (frankly) the result was us cutting off our noses to spite our faces. Transfer, injury recovery and financial growth all seemed to just stop over night and we've sat in that limbo ever since! ?
16.) 17 Aug 2024
17 Aug 2024 06:35:30
Well Bully, we seem to be in violent agreement on our recent history.
Totally share your views on Dalyrypole, really disappointing to read all the negative comments about him. From people I know close to Harlequins, he is doing an excellent job for the Club.
Also as TFIOG and yourself have said, the other two also released have moved on to other decent roles.
Since those changes, we have stumbled along.
For me, A bit worrying to now hear our manager talking about limited funds being available for squad strengthening, especially after the 2 big sales.
I really thought we would have sorted out at least a couple more signings this week.it is starting to feel like the dejavu we have experienced for the last few seasons.
17.) 17 Aug 2024
17 Aug 2024 06:50:14
Lage travelled back every weekend, he didn't care about unity. Nuno made Wolves act like a pack, having the players eat together and socialise. To say he became disillusioned is wrong, that is such a wrong comment/sentence. Nuno loved Wolves and Wolverhampton for that matter. Don’t forget the £250, 000 donation he personally made? Are you still under the impression he left mutually? He was sacked, he had done amazing things with Wolves, took us to europe, he had a bad season which realistically we hadn’t invested anything more to the squad and we stagnated.
To say that about Nuno is false
18.) 17 Aug 2024
17 Aug 2024 10:44:44
I think Nuno knew he needed more investment in the squad after the Seville game in which we we really played off the park, to take the club to the next level, I don’t think the club were going to back him, and that is when maybe the end came between both parties, which is a real shame, with a little more investment Nuno may well have got us in the top six and maybe beyond,
19.) 17 Aug 2024
17 Aug 2024 14:37:13
Let me clarify what I meant by Nuno becoming disillusioned at Wolverhampton.
When he joined, he united the team, brought in his own backroom and created a tight knit unit.
He travelled home to see his wife and children who did not move over to England as the child was settled and doing well at school and Nuno saw no need to alter this as the club allowed him to travel back to Portugal every week and this worked both for him and the club.
Then the pandemic happened and all travel was halted.
Nuno was stuck in the UK and could only speak to his wife and child by phone/video call.
Then the Raul injury affected him and he felt that it had got too much for him.
20.) 19 Aug 2024
19 Aug 2024 21:00:11
I think he was let go by Jeff for not playing the players Jeff brought in.